26: Surgery and Cuddles

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Sarah got comfortable in her mom's embrace, closing her heavy eyelids as she listened to her family chatting and laughing in the background. She was thankful for yet another day full of light and love, and was eternally grateful for the people who had saved her, letting the sounds of comfort and home lull her into a dreamless sleep.


Two weeks had passed since career day. After what felt like an eternity, the school year was wrapping up, and both bambine were excited for their summer vacation. Since Carina had finished the first stage of her IVF process, it was time for the second step; egg retrievals.

It was a minor surgery, in which the Italian got the day off for. The blonde brought them to the hospital and sat with her wife, keeping her company, which drove away her nerves until Addison came back and after reassuring Maya again, took the brunette away for the short procedure. Carina blew kisses at her wife as they wheeled her away, the fire captain waving until the Italian disappeared from view.

So, Maya sat in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for her wife. She was never one to be patient, especially when it came to things such as surgeries, where the situation was out of her control. She was forcing herself to remain distracted by replying to department emails when her phone rang, startling her.

"Hi, is this Maya Bishop? This is William Zabka from the Seattle Seahawks Rugby Association," the speaker began.

"This is Maya Bishop," she answered, playing with a loose seam on her sleeve.

"I run the Seawolves minor league rugby association, and I got your email about a player named Alex Jacobs, and if you have a minute, I'd like to chat," William explained, and Maya smiled. "I'm free right now," Maya replied.

"Perfect, so I actually did hear about the situation from one of my associates. I would love to offer him a position on one of my AAA teams. It would be the same equivalent to what he's playing before. We actually just had a bunch of players graduate, so we have quite a bit of space on the team," William stated.

"That sounds amazing! I'll get back to you in a couple of hours, I'll ask him," she grinned.

Since the school year was coming to a close, final exams were around the corner. While most teens were focused on summer break, Sarah was nervous for her finals. The group of friends were holed up in the library during their lunch hour, the redhead dragging her crew to the quiet room to study.

"Sarah, you'll be fine! You've been studying for these since October!" Quinn insisted in exasperation.

"But what if-" Sarah began.

"You, my friend, are psyching yourself out," Elijah remarked as he handed Sarah a piece of his cookie. The redhead popped the piece in her mouth, chewing as she processed his words. As a perfectionist, tests and examinations stressed her out. There was too much room for error, something that ate at her brain too often for her liking.

Just then, her phone rang loudly, and once Sarah saw it was her mom, she quickly picked it up. "Mom? Is everything okay? How's mamma?" Sarah asked all in one breath, chewing her lip nervously.

"Mamma's fine, love. She's still in surgery now. Can you put me on speaker? I have some news for Alex," Maya soothed. Sarah held the phone out to Alex, who paled out of fear of the fire captain, but then remembered that it was most likely about rugby.

"Alex, I heard from the president of the Seawolves. He wants to offer you a position on the team at the same level you were playing before," Maya informed, and Alex dropped his fork in shock. "Wait, really? Holy shit!"

"Is that a yes? I can give you his number," Maya explained, and slowly recited the number for the teen. Upon hearing her words, Alex grinned from ear to ear, happy tears filling his eyes. "Yes! T-Thank you so much, Mrs Bishop-DeLuca. This means the world to me," he stuttered.

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