Childhood Friends Are The Best (NSFW) A/B/O-AU

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"Yes, it must have been hard to talk to immense rich people to make yourself richer," he joked.

Brett snorted and nodded, completely serious, "Yes. Rich people are the worst. Total snobs. At least most of them. Of course I'm not a snob. Never ever."

Both chuckled at that. Eddy knew that Brett knew that Brett was sometimes snobbish too. Not too much so it would annoy him but sometimes the royalty snobbishness in him peeked through. So that earned the alpha a not too gentle smack on the meaty thighs.

Eddy did a double take and felt the thigh he just abused, "Did you work out?!"

The alpha threw his head back and laughed heartily, "Yeah, of course. I have to stay fit!"

"You have such a big muscle, wow, I'm actually envious now!"

Since omegas were a bit smaller in general and thanks to the genetic code, Eddy had some problems getting big muscles. Well, he didn't need them and he didn't necessarily want them, but it was unfair how he worked and worked and worked for it and still didn't have much to show for. His skin was still extremely soft and his muscles only barely visible. It didn't impact his work life – thankfully! – so he still could lift his violin up to eight hours and play but if an alpha would work out like Eddy did, they would have a lot more muscles.

Eddy looked at Brett; the alpha was now almost as tall as Eddy. He remembered fondly the time when Brett, teeny tiny Brett was more than a head shorter than him and followed him around. It was adorable. That changed when they came into their second gender. Not the following around, but the height.

While Eddy came into his second gender around 14, Brett took his ample time and came into his alpha-ness around 19, half a year before he left the country to travel around his father's companies and subsidiaries as well as the branch offices. They kept talking via phone (of course Brett called because the rich ass could afford the extremely expensive calls) and once the World Wide Web was established, they switched to online communication.

The omega smiled as he thought about it. Yes, they facetimed a lot (too much if you asked Anthony) but being face to face was certainly different. He didn't remember his friend being so... hot. The smirk was almost criminal! And it was directed at him!

"Do you like what you touch so daringly, my sweet honeybun?"

Eddy snatched his hand away immediately. The palm of his hand burned (as were his cheeks). He didn't mean to touch Brett so long! Of course the fucker teased him so Eddy surrendered to the taunts and teases that followed. It was his fault for grabbing and touching Brett anyway.

Then a hand came onto his thigh and the thumb gently caressed the jeans. Eddy wondered about the meaning of this. As far as he remembered, Brett was an overly touchy person, so maybe it didn't mean anything?

They halted at a red light and Brett turned his head to Eddy, "You look amazing. Much better in person. How are things going with Toni by the way?"

What a mood killer. Eddy quickly sobered up. There had to be no 'mood' to be killed between them! They were friends, for Christ's sake! Just because they were Alpha and Omega didn't mean that they couldn't have a normal friendship! Eddy shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, that bad? I thought you were to marry that person?"

Was this a sneer he heard? The omega looked up but Brett's head was already turned and the soft purr of the engine changed to a soft roar as Brett pressed the accelerator.

"Uhm, well, we .... Well, we have ..."

"It's fine," Brett interrupted Eddy's stuttering, "We don't need to talk about Toni, no worries."

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