Oneshot No. 402 (1849 Words)

Start from the beginning

I don't even care anymore

So why do you use


Clay buries his head in his hands. George let's out a big sigh. And looks down. Nick doesn't do anything.

"why wouldn't you tell us this," George whispers.

"Because I have a fucking problem, George, and I- i- i cant deal with you and nick going to be on my back constantly and just all over me like talia was it's so much," Dream sobs.

I grab my jacket and my keys.

"I hope you get help, Clay," i say.


George grabs his phone and goes to his room, without another word. Dream sobs with his head in his hands.

"I think you- i think you should actually get help this time. You can't just come back from this," I say to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he shoves me off of him.

"i don't wanna be here," he cries, not looking up at me.


"Don't call me that dumb fucking name," he whines, absolutely breaking down.

"Addiction is nothing to be ashamed of-"

"You're not the one fucking addicted! Any addiction that stops just goes to another one, they're all the same thing- they're all- they're all ways to not feel your feelings. Addiction isn't- god! You can't just stop. It's the only thing in my fucking mind anymore!" he yells. Now I'm the one with tears in my eyes. He keeps yelling and yelling at me, but I cant hear anything.

George comes out of his room and down the stairs. Then the two of them start arguing, and I find myself rushing around the corner into my room and calling 911.

"Hello, 911, what's your emerg-"

"i need cops over here, my friend is unstable and I think he's gonna get violent he's yelling at my friend and I and I don't think he's sober right now and-"

"Sir, i need you to calm down. Can you tell me where he is right now?"

"He's in the living room with my friend, on 55 Marlboro avenue," I choke out.

8 minutes later, cops arrive. Suddenly, George yells.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" George shouts. there's blood everywhere. George stumbles around, before having to sit down. Cops barge in, telling Dream to drop the knife in his hand. I don't know what to do, i dont know what to do, i do not know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.

--  DAY LATER --

Dream is in a mental institution under a rehabilitation contract. George is in hospital, doing well, after it was discovered that Dream stabbed George two times in the stomach and once in the face. Dream is facing aggravated assault charges. The whole world knows. Dream has lost his money, his friends, his platform, his fans, he has lost absolutely everything.

I'm talking to Quackity about it.

"How fucked is it," Quackity starts, "that Dream stabbed him with a fucking knife. And you were there. The three of you were so tight. And then the drugs thing came out, and within a week of it happening, all this shit happened. And now Dream is refusing any visitors, even his fucking fsmily. It messed Tommy up really badly."

"Yeah. Dream was like his older brother."

"He was practically your brother."

"He was my best friend, and now he's in s psych ward."

Turns out, Dream didn't go to a psych ward. Well, for 17 hours he did. He escaped, then was on his way back to our house, before cops found him and he's actually been out in jail. However, the guards said Dream is inviting to visitors.

George and I decided to go, 4 weeks later.

Dream is cuffed to the table. He looks like absolute shit. He's got a couple scuffs and cuts and bruises on his face and his neck. big bags under his dull green eyes.

He doesn't say anything. There is a long silence.

"You look like shit," George says. I look around nervously.

"I'm sorry," Dream suddenly says. I'm a bit shocked. So is George.

"What?" I say.

"I said im sorry. For everything. I'm getting out in one month. I don't know how or why I only had two months in here. I should be in here for life, I hid the fact I was a drug addict and I tried to kill one of my best friends. I am so fucked in the head. I don't know how to fix it, I don't think you can, but I can still fix our friendship."

"Clay-" George starts.

"George, let him speak-"

"No. Because I forgive you, Clay. I don't care how corny it sounds, but addiction is something you don't fuck with. And it's no wonder you hid it from us- who would actually want that getting out?" George says.

"What about the..." I make a stabbing motion.

Clay clears his throat.

"That's different." Clay says.

"Yeah. Let's not talk about it," George hushes.

"Guys, I've lost everything," Clay says, quietly. My family hasn't abandoned me, but they sure don't call. I can only assume how much all my other friends hate me, prison is- well, actually, it's not that bad- I've lost all my money, accounts, fans, everything. Everyone hates me."

"Dream, look- I'm sure we can get something done. Your other friends don't hate you. Yeah, they're shocked, but they don't hate you, okay? They're r just confused. Your family will come around- they're family. And money? You're still worth $60 million. You have that in your account. Yeah, you spent $1,000,000 on it on your bail, but you have a shit ton of money. As for your fans..." I trail off.

"I think you've lost that. But it's just time to accept that, I guess... um... you can just talk to them."

After Dream got out of jail, he owed everyone an explanation. He went live, with George and I by his side.

He explained how he was a drug addict at 19, tried multiple times to kick the habit but he couldn't. He felt really ashamed about telling people about it, so he did not tell anyone. His addiction got so bad that since a year ago, he was sober for only about 3 hours a day. He would smoke weed, snort coke, take acid, and more. It got so bad he contemplated overdosing. Then, he explained that when his ex came over and told George and I, George and him got into a huge argument and Dream was so amped up and high in the moment that he actually stabbed George in the stomach twice and once in the face. He explained that I called the cops on him, and they took him to a mental institution slash rehabilitation center. He then escaped shortly after and was on his way back home. He said that he had no idea where he was going, that he didn't know he was going home but then subconsciously ended up walking a route to his home. He then goes on to discuss how the cops found him, again, and he only served s sentence of 1 month. He says he's going back to rehab, of his own choice, because he really does want to get better.

Dream says to the stream, "you don't have to forgive me. If I were you, I wouldn't. I don't think I'll be making any videos any time soon. I don't think I'll be streaming anytime soon. I'll update you guys occasionally on Twitter to let you know when I'm out of rehab. Thanks. Bye for now."

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