Memories Sealed by Land

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Its radiance blinded the area, forcing me to close my eyes. Yet, even shut, a soft gleam still penetrated through, fleeing after a few seconds.

Reopening my sight, a misty levitating head floated before me, staring back with large white pupils.

The creature blinked, tilting every which way as it studied me, drawing closer once it felt comfortable. Stopping mere centimeters from my eyes, it spat playfully, spitting and sticking out its tongue.


Taking the opportune moment, the deviant grows to its complete form while I shield myself from its saliva. A tiny, misty, see-through mint green body extends from the head manifesting a neck, two short arms, and the rest of its torso except for legs, instead a curly misty tip marking the end of its figure.

"Silva is that?..."

"A Will O' the Wisp."

No longer focused on me, the Wisp flies up to meet Silva face-to-face, giggling mischievously behind its two dwarf-sized hands hiding its mouth.

Sliding his hands from beside my head Silva scoops it up, sitting it in his palms.

"So, you're the one in possession of my belongings?"

Answering in response to his inquiry, the wisp nodded, amused. Toppling over in laughter, it imitated drawing a circle in the air as magic gathered in the spot, poofing a rubber ball-sized orb of green, blue, and pink into its cloudy palms.

"Good wisp. Now may I have them back?"

Carefully stretching towards it, Silva gently reaches for the sphere with his thumb and index finger. The entity quickly hugs the ball protectively, shaking its head furiously as if it was its favorite toy.

"Hey, dragon-kun, what's going on?" I asked quizzically.

Silva regarded me, stealing a glance away from the wisp he held upside down by its tail.

"In short, this Wisp has parts of my memory. Gil informed me they were sealed by the land itself, and defeating the alliance members was the key to getting them back. Who knew a pesky Wisp would be involved as well."

"So that's your reason for joining from neutral to Chaldea's side."

"Yeah. Are you...discontent, Atta-nee?"

He muttered the end of his sentence. Silva's gaze shied from mine, fearful of what I would say. "Of course not. You're handling your problems alone while still trying to protect your friends- taking everything upon yourself like you always do. It is a little unnatural you're not causing trouble, though."

Heaving a great sigh, I sit up and scoot across the grass until our bodies and faces become less than a hairsbreadth apart as I nudge into Silva. His cool breath tickled my cheek as I sat next to him, glimpsing at the Wisp with curiosity.

"Any idea what it wants?"

"Who knows, these guys are tricky troublemakers. Their favorite things to do are play pranks and lead adventurers on wild goose chases."

"They don't sound so bad, just misunderstood like playful children. Here, let me try."

Silva shrugged when I held out my open hands, placing the mystical entity into them and crossing his arms afterward.

"Excuse me, little one," I called for its attention, turning its pouty face to focus on me. "Is there something we could exchange for my friend's memories?"

The wisp huffed, puffing its cheeks out so much their face threatened to explode. Stroking their head, they calmed down, breathing softly and leaning into the gesture.

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