Hunter Vs Assassin

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Dragon had camouflaged himself into a street vendor. He had entered into the city. With outmost caution he was taking every step. He couldn't risk his capture. The murder of an innocent girl has invoked the rage inside him . Since he was the world class assassin,he knew where the next killing would happen.

The Red lady was pacing high in her office. She was quite disturbed by the fact that an innocent girl was killed. She still thought, that the murder has been done by the same beast that had done that massacre at the factory.

"Hey My Goddess! You are here and look we're here too",said Jack ,her friend from the British special forces and likewise there were around thirty five ex- special forces friends of the Red Lady.

"Thank God! You all are here. I was getting worried about the happenings around the town. Too much killings have made my heart go weak",she said while finally breaking down on the shoulders of Julia,the infamous "Red Hound" of New Zealand forces.

"Rest assured,my dear, we'll deal with this assassin personally",said Jacobs,the man known as White Assassin because of his white outfit.

Just as he was comforting her,a barrage of bullets rained on her office.
All the members were quick in reflex and hence got down. But some of the employees of her office were not so lucky,got shot and died on the spot.

"No",the Red lady cried on the top of her lungs. All those who were alive were astonished to see the damage done to office.

The sudden attack had led the police and military forces to spring into action. They quickly surrounded the buildings nearby and dismantled the automatic guns.

The commissioner of police reached Red Lady's office. Many high level officers too reached at the spot. At the same time,twin blasts rocked the base camp of special forces stationed nearby, killing dozens of soldiers.

"Oh my God! This is insane. Whoever is doing this is very much powerful and well equipped",said Charlie,the bomb expert, another friend of The Red lady.

A figure could be seen laughing in the graveyard,with many computer screens in front of him. Suddenly,he stopped laughing.

"You finally got me",said the mystery figure.

"It's time you have to pay for your sins",the deep voice of Dragon echoed in the graveyard.

"It seems you finally got me",said the mystery hooded figure.  He wore the same black dress just as Dragon,but he was having a goat image on his back. Just then seven swordsmen circled Dragon. He saw symbol of triple swords on their right hand.

"You people belong to the Sacred Society of White Tiger. I didn't thought,you people could team up with the likes of him. Dragon knew the code of this society,so he had no option but to fight them to death.

Dragon brought out his black sword, while the seven swordsmen alongwith the hooded figure, brought out their twin daggers.

A fight ensured and there was sounds of metal clanging all around. Suddenly Dragon picked up his speed and was not seen by any of the seven swordsmen and slowly they were killed by Dragon.

Only the hooded figure and Dragon was fighting now. Various cuts were present on the hooded figure and he was loosing blood at a fast pace.

"You are not human. Definitely not, I can sense this. You are a monster. A nightmare",he said while taking deep breaths.

" I'm tired of this",Dragon said while making double slash on the front side of the figure. Unable to move he dropped forward, Dragon made twin slashes to the knees and then the figure couldn't move. Dragon cut down the hood and he was astonished to see the man behind the hood.

"You're Hunter,the hero of the Dark water wars. Why did you do this?", Dragon was slightly confused on the revelation.

"Kill me,you monster",he said out loud.

Just then sirens could be heard. Dragon had passed an anonymous email to The Red Lady about the killer of Kriti. Dragon was going to disappear from the scene but stopped in mid way.

"You know I fucked the dead body of that poor girl. What was her name. I can't remember it", he was laughing like a maniac.

"Kriti",said Dragon while bringing his sword and beheaded the hunter.

"People like you are the real monster. I'm not. I'm just a warrior with a cause. A broken warrior", said Dragon and jumped into the river which was flowing beside the graveyard.

The Red Lady and her friends alongwith members of special forces and police personnel had arrived at the scene. They were terrified to see the whole scene in front of them. The experts quickly shut down the weapons and bombs that were going to happen in next few minutes.

"Hey,come look at this", shouted Charlie.

Everyone was stunned by what was written on a grave. It said;

"Everyone who is reading this listen carefully, I'm not the person whom you are searching this desperately. I'm Dragon, Slayer of the damned and rapists and killers. Yes I've done all those killings of the factory and every case that you have came across. But I haven't killed Kriti. She was a cute girl. I don't kill innocents. The killer of Kriti and her boyfriend is here. But let me  remind you,the seven swordsmen that you saw there are members of an elite underground society. So brace yourselves for a fight. Stop this millitary build up as I'm going away. You guys don't need my help anymore".

All of them were left stunned. And slowly they headed back to their respective stations.

"We're doomed", said the Red Lady and all of them went to sleep.

Hi guys. Thanks for reading the story. It was a gap for good. Let's see what happens when Dragon is not present in the city. And where will Dragon go? Did he go for real???

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