Pain Hurts Everyone

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The next morning, medical facilities rushed to the spot. Upon hearing that the whole kill team has been eliminated, high profile officials from the central capital had came to Bhopal. Choppers, commandos and police were all over the forest, searching for that mystery hunter.
Fear and rage could be seen on the faces of every person present in the area.

The CM of state was lashing out on the police and STF, blasting that they all are useless. Sensing the situation,he had ordered the most efficient commandos to handle the situation.

"I've requested the most ruthless commando units of the state. I've requested one special forces unit from the central government,to help me out in this situation. You are requested to provide them support, whatever is necessary ", CM said to Mr Ram, Director General of police.

Purvi and her team was disbanded,but one thing that consoled her was that, damage to her team was minimal. If someone was to consider the situation between her team and the kill team,one could say that they were just lucky. But this thing was surely bugging her,that it wasn't luck that saved her and her team.

"Something is off and I could sense it but just couldn't think what has happened that night ",she was lost in her thoughts when suddenly she bumped into someone,and before she could fall on the ground, someone gracefully hold her.

Purvi had closed her eyes and prepared herself for the fall,but reality hit her ,that she wasn't on the ground. She opened her eyes and saw one person who had her in his arms. She was just lost in his eyes. The eyes, filled with so much pain and suffering,that caught her attention. Eyes filled with so much pain,the pain that she wasn't aware of, such pain was present in his eyes.

The person, helped her get on her feet and without even listening to what she has to say,he walked away. His actions, totally, unearthly, caught her attention. There was no person, who could not stare her, she was surely an eye catching beauty. But to this person,she was just like any ordinary girl. This hurt her sentiments and she ran towards him.

Upon reaching to him,she grabbed him by arm,and pulled him towards herself.

"Hey you, can't you see,you bumped into me,and still didn't apologize",she couldn't finish her sentence when all of sudden the person folded in hands and bowed in front of her. His actions totally change her attitude and she was just taken aback.

Upon seeing his eyes,she was awestruck again. The pain,she could feel,was so much,that tears literally came in her eyes. Such was the intensity of pain in his eyes.

She tried to speak but words choke. She couldn't utter even a single word.

The person who was standing in front of her, spoke for the first time.

"Pain Hurts Everyone, Miss",this four words brought Purvi to a standstill and he just left her on the road,and slowly disappeared again.

"So much pain in his eyes and voice,my god, so much grief",she thought and was lost in the thoughts of this mystery person again while taking a seat on the bench.

I know this part is a bit different,but I thought,you guys should know the pain and suffering of Dragon. Take care my friends.

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