Pain Is My Friend

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The next morning, Purvi went to Shelly's  home, wanting to have a decent conversation. Upon reaching,she saw that a lot of upheaval was going around the three girls.

"Looks like,the trinity has been upto something,tell me girls,you all know I can interrogate you all and get the answer myself",she winked at Shelly.

Shelly  finally decided and told her that they have been trying to trace the mysterious figure that has taken out the bullet out of the body and the letter that they have found in their house,which said that someone knew their encounter.

Purvi upon hearing the whole story, sat on the sofa and was lost in thoughts of her own.

"What happened sis? I've read in newspaper and got info from my contacts,that your team has been disbanded and are out of the case! Can I ask why?", Kriti asked with curiosity.

Purvi was facing a dilemma as she couldn't tell these girls what she had witnessed as she knew they couldn't handle it.

"It's nothing,just some random decisions. You guys don't worry, focus on finding your mysterious figure first. I'm with you on this",she reassured all of them and walked outside.

"She must be going through some turmoil, I know my sister, she's iron willed. Something else is going on", Kriti explained to her friends.

" I think we should talk to my friend,the red lady office", Shelly dropped a bomb.

"You mean the fearless private detective ,who was once part of special annihilation squad ", Kriti asked with her mouth wide open.

After a long discussion,it was decided that they have to take help from her.
All of them went to the office of Red Lady.

Red Lady office,was just like any other office that could be in the nation. There were around ten employees,all engrossed in their work.

"Could you please tell us, where's the office of the Red Lady", Shelly asked one of the employees,to which she guided them to the last room. Upon entering the room,they were amazed to see that,the red lady was  already onto something.

"Sit",the only thing that this lady said to the three girls in front of her without even looking up.

"We'll,madam, I'm Shelly and they are my friends Kriti and Pooja", Shelly finished the introductory part.

"First things first, I'm Rose, you guys can call me by my name. Red lady is only for those,whom I choose, let's say it's pure professional. I rather stay by my name",she told them with a assuring smile that eased their tensions.

"Relax girls,make yourself comfortable. Since you've come down here,then it's must be something serious. As you know, before coming inside my office,one has to drop his request matter in a sheet of paper and  the matter you guys have brought,has been quite a show in recent times",Rose said while looking at some pictures. She passed some pictures to those girls,to which all of them were just terrified. They were the pictures of the carnage that was left in the jungle two nights ago.

"Don't worry. I know everything about this case, starting from the lead investigator on the case,Miss Purvi and her STF team. Well,as a matter of fact, I know everything about this mystery case, except that mystery person, around whom,this whole whirlwind is going on!",Rose slammed her hand on the table,in anger.

Meanwhile, Purvi was again walking through the same road, where she had bumped into the unknown figure,and she had came intentionally to look for him.

"Damn,I didn't knew that, I could still behave like college girls, damn that person",she was giving curses, when all of sudden,she bumped into something,this time not a figure but a tree.

"One has to be careful,as their feet could land them into danger, sometimes",a voice reached her ears and before she could see the person, no one was present there.

"God, please don't tell me,that I'm starting to have hallucinations now a days",she sat on the bench, hoping to get a glimpse of the person. What she found out next, shocked her to the core. She had found a piece of paper lying on the bench, which stated that,Pain is my friend,miss and if you don't want your near ones to feel pain, stop their pursuit of finding me, otherwise they'll shall know pain.

"This is seriously bad", her eyes  narrowed and she went to find her sister.

Thanks for reading my story. My friends. Stay blessed and happy.

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