Devil Vs Dragon

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Following the recent encounter with the swordsmen, Dragon was not feeling his regular self and so went out into the deep forests. There were no human settlements in the nearby areas.

Dragon  was venturing into the forest and somehow he  lost his tracks.
It was very unusual for him  as he has already  mastered  the jungle   warfare techniques long ago.

Upon reaching the river, Dragon jumped into it,in order to refresh himself. As he was lost in admiring the beauty of nature ,an arrow  whizzed passed him, making a paper cut on his left cheek. Blood started to drip from the cut.

" You're still as fast as you were in your prime",  said a voice which was filled with hatred and malice.

"Casandra,how can you arrive in this world?",  he was a little surprised by  unexpected arrival of casandra. She was otherwise known the devils personal assassin.

" Well it's nothing much.I was just getting bored,so in order to have some fun ,called upon the devil and asked where the famous eternal hunter is and here I am", she said flashing her  sexy .

Dragon had already prepared himself for the battle,as it was  useless to run from Casandra. She has a personal demon dragon named Draco,so he couldn't outrun her.

"Oh my dear aunty Dragon you look worried after seeing me here don't have you forgotten the time we spend together she said winkinger with wink

"You are nothing  but trouble Casandra", he said with a emotionless tone.

"Do I need to remind you that we have sex so many times, that I have lost count and now this is the welcome you are giving me right now", she said arching her eyebrows

"I don't give a damn about it and  I do  know what you have come for ",he was out of the river now.

"Looks like you have given me no choice. But since you don't love me anymore, then draco will play with you and I will just sit back and relax", she said with evil intent in her eyes.

The moment  she said that Draco attacked Dragon. Draco was about 30 feet tall dragon, with a wing span of hundred feet. It lunged at Dragon and he dodged, but in the process he  was attacked  by Draco's tail.
Dragon attack Draco with arrows in order to blind it and jumped high enough to put his twin  daggers in the neck of the demon Dragon. The demon dragon winced in pain and rolled on the ground. During this roll, Dragon was thrown away from its back and was covered with trees and rocks. The demon dragon started to fire the black flame aimed at Dragon but he dodged it thanks to his superior speed. The fight was going away from Casandra. She was just lost in her sleep.

Dragon had now pulled his black sword in his right hand and after some time,the sword started to emit violet flames around it. Before the demon dragon could apprehend the situation, Dragon jumped high in the sky and in a flicker, detached the head of the demon dragon. The demon dragon died with a huge blast. This blast caught Dragon off guard and he was thrown in the dangerous spike plants.

After what eternity Dragon appeared before Casandra. He was dripping with blood all over. She just smiled and opened her eyes.

"You're mine again",she said while five snakes coiled around dragon making him her captive.

Pheww! That was close. Looks like Dragon is finally caught. But not by the forces of humans but a whole different group. Untill then, take care,my beloved readers❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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