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THE ELEVATOR RATTLED UP and aurelia thought they must've not even seen her because not one of them made a move to attack or yell at her.

she figured that was good because her plan was to act as if she were stupified if anyone tried to ask why she didn't fight back.


she wanted to die.


aurelia regained her balance as she silently made the elevator move slower, hoping the trio had some sort of plan to get out of the ministry alive.

harry held out his hand, everyone else in the elevator watching as the two interacted for the first time in a long time.

"do you trust me?" he asked softly.

aurelia knew her answer and as much as she wanted to hold it back because of their situation she couldn't, and deep down she really didn't want to.


harry gripped her hand in his, hoping she might agree with his proposal but knowing he wasn't always so lucky.

he had known for a long time how he felt about her and he knew the feeling wasn't going away.

he also knew that he didn't blame her for anything that had happened, it's not like she could control it anyway.

"i'm going to act as if i've taken you hostage." he whispered as they stepped off the elevator and ron lingered behind with the unknown woman.

"you're our ticket out if things get messy." he said, titling her chin up so their eyes met. "it sounds horrible and i wish it wasn't you."

"i know. i understand."

aurelia looked over to hermione who was darting her eyes around like she had gone mad. "hermione, if something happens and it gets to be to much please don't hesitate to—."

"no." harry said sternly, dismissing the idea completely. he had a perfect chance to get her away and he wasn't going to let it go.


the granger girl nodded her head, ignoring harry's glares. hermione knew she would have to be the one to attack her if they were to have any chance to get away.

she admired aurelia for her sacrifice. she knew it's must've not been easy for her to go through all of it alone.


"harry, i can't even if i wanted to." she whispered, a wave a guilt and sadness passing over her. "i can't leave elias and draco, especially not my aunt. they need me."

"what about what you need?" he said but it was too late for a response because just as aurelia was about to speak there was a crowd of people chasing after them, all yelling "stop them!"

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