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"the owls you mean. it's all umbridge ever talks about." aurelia sighed, following sylus into his father's office.

"morning dad."

"hello sylus. aurelia, how are you?"

"i'm fine uncle. rather tired—but aren't we all."

severus gave her a small smile, so small it just looked like he smelled something funny. "i've called you both in here this morning because i'm worried."

"about what?"

"i'll get there if you let me finish sylus." he deadpanned. aurelia laughed internally at the her friend's jumpiness. "i've seen how the both of you have taken a strong liking to your assigned person. with that being said i hope both of you know who's mark you bear."

both teens subconsciously moved their wrists so that their marks weren't visible.

"you both are aware of what i believe but that can't be brought to light. this far in, there is no way you can get out unless you die. and neither of you want that. i'm not telling you give up on them and walk away. i've seen the way the both of you look at them. you're not very discreet about it."

"he means you sylus."

"no both of you."

"i don't stare." aurelia argued.

"more than you think you do." sylus chided.

"you find comfort in them and that is good but at the end of term i am advising you to stay away from them. for both their safety and yours."

"why are you telling us this?"

"because despite what others might think the two of you deserve to be happy. you're only children."

"THEO I DON'T THING HE'LL LIKE THAT."pansy commented, laughing as the boy spun around like a ballerina. "he's more of the classical music type without the theatrics."

theo lunged for the girl to scare her but fell to the floor at the sound of arguing coming from the portrait hole.

"i was having such a good day before you opened that mouth of yours. that's what women mean when they say men are better silent. i should've hexed your lips closed." aurelia seethed, poking draco's chest rather harshly with her wand.

any given hex or curse her aunt had taught her was on the tip of her tongue she was just waiting for the boy to push her to the limit.

"you're extremely close to me like you're going to do something but i'd like to see you try." she argued, "we all know you won't hurt anyone let alone me. if i'm hurt my mother will find out and my mother adores you."

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