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aurelia watched sylus struggle to put his tie on as they were already late for slughorn's christmas party.

"i didn't have anyone else to take." she argued, cleaning off his shoulders.

"theo, blaise, draco."

"you know draco is busy. blaise is already going and theo is no where to be found."

"you didn't need a date." sylus huffed out.

"you needed to see luna outside of the gardens." aurelia retorted, following him out the common room.

"i think we're keeping a perfectly fine distance." he shrugged.

aurelia rolled her eyes at him as the two fell into a comfortable silence.

aurelia knew sylus missed the lovegood girl like crazy but refused to see her only to keep her safe.

she wished harry would take the hint even though she was more content knowing they could talk freely, or within reason.

"you two are late." astoria scolded, hooking her arms through theirs and walking to where cory was conversing with some others.

"ivy doesn't know what time management is."

"sylus just needs something sweet." aurelia smiled, pinching the boy's side.

sylus pinched her back and quickly rushed away, disappearing into the crowd of students.

"how are you aurelia?" cory asked, snaking a hand around astoria's waist as she giggled at his actions. the lovelace girl gave them a quick questionable look before responding with, "i've been good. and you?"

"could be better." he spoke.

aurelia took into consideration the way he held astoria almost as if he were nervous. she didn't say anything because astoria looked perfectly comfortable and who was she to deny her friend happiness.

cory wasn't a terrible young man and she didn't think he'd ever do anything bad so she gave them a small wave as to leave them be, feeling all of a sudden out of place.

almost as if some sort of imaginary string was pulling her.


the girl spun around and was met with hermione granger staring at her, a strong odor emitting from her.

"granger, can i help you?"

hermione shook her head, covering her mouth in the process. "have you seen harry?"

"i don't know what you mean."

"you haven't seen harry?"

aurelia shook her head with a tight lipped smile. "i don't know why you would assume i've seen potter."

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