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"SYLUS, ARE YOU MAD?" astoria whispered harshly towards the boy who smiled meekly and started to mess with his hair. "what would your father say? sylus you can't, we can't."

astoria greengrass was the groups mom you could say. she tried her best to keep everyone on the right path, though they all knew the weight of everything it was good to have her there for the support.

the girl was never one to talk about her home life or her relationship with her parents.

she made comments here and there about different things and all of her friends were aware that things were going on in the greengrass household but astoria never allowed them to interfere, and so they didn't.

the girl strived to do good, it helped her distract herself from the future and all of her duties.

though the girl would never say it out loud, there were moments when she wished she would slip up and it would be a slip up so big that it might just kill her.

her father used to tell her that killing ones self is the easy way out of life and all the hardships that come.

and the words followed her around everyday, in fact they were the only thing keeping her from drawing a dagger through her skin.

for she knew that her father would look at her in disappointment, even when dead.

"i know you have your task but think about it, we could learn to defend ourselves. you're always talking about defense."

"yes, but not being taught by harry bloody potter."

sylus sighed as a few students walked past them and astoria ran a hand down her face.

"merlin, sylus i know you have connections on both sides but you might want to pick one."

"who said his side is good."

astoria looked at the boy in astonishment, she couldn't believe he had just said that out loud.

she put a finger to his lips and spoke slowly. "you know i don't believe in his cause either, but to speak it out loud sylus is ones way out of this world."

"please, give it a try, we'll need to teach the others at some point, we can't have them dying now can we?"

astoria rolled her eyes. "you're lucky i care about you."

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