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"MINNIE." aurelia called from her spot on her bed. "bring me a cup of tea and the paper." minnie nodded and walked off.

it had been a week since aurelia was given her task, and not once had she heard from any of the other members of the regal eight.

she didn't take it personally, she assumed they were all thinking the same thing she was thinking and that was her future.

she heard once that muggles ask their children where they see themselves in ten years.

aurelia could see herself dead or worse, in a cell in azkaban. she didn't expect to live a long life. she thought people would hate her and would ultimately come for her head. a part of her didn't mind it, she knew what side she was on and the things that might follow, but another part of her truly wanted to live, only problem was she didn't know how.

"here you are miss." minnie placed the paper and tea on aurelia's night stand and walked off.

aurelia picked up the paper and almost yelled as her cat leaped onto her lap. "elias." She scolded softly, kissing the cat on his forehead.

aurelia shifted slightly and skimmed over the paper lazily reading the headlines and words that stuck out to her.

she picked up the tea and took a few sips, her eyes went wide and she nearly spit her tea out as she read a short article on harry potter being accused of using magic around a muggle and all the "lies" him and dumbledore had been telling.

and that's when she realized she had no clue how she was going get close to him.

"BYE, MUM," aurelia gave her mother a small smile and walked off with blaise and elias, who was sleeping soundly in her arms.

the two walked towards their normal compartment and were greeted with the awkward silence of theo and astoria. the greengrass girl let out a small "hi" and theo just gave the cousins and nod.

they were to young to have all the pressure and stress they had, but no one seemed to care.

they were slytherin's after all, and slytherin's are always the bad guy.

apart from the dead silence within the compartment aurelia found it calming in a way, hogwarts was always so exciting and loud that it made her forget sometimes what the quiet sounded like.

"erm, where's sylus?" astoria questioned. "he's supposed to be here right?"

everyone had been so caught up in their own little bubbles that they had forgotten about the boy.

"i'll go and check." aurelia volunteered, everyone nodded and allowed her to away. the curly haired girl unknowingly hugged her cat closer to her chest as she started to become aware of the whispers and stares.

weak ➪ h. potterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt