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AURELIA HAD BEEN walking from the astronomy tower to the room of requirement all day, covering small tasks that draco needed help with.

the boy hadn't been at his best and the only person he felt he could confide in without raising alarm was aurelia.

so that's why she was spending her day making last minute changes to make everything easier.

the days were ticking down and before she knew it that dreaded day would come.

and while it should've been the top of her worries list the thing that had been bugging her was harry's behavior.

they'd had multiple points in their relationship when aurelia had gone ghost or simply stopped talking to him but this was the first time harry really took it serious—and aurelia didn't even know if it was him protecting their relationship or him finally seeing the truth.

either way it hurt her. it hurt her bad.

and though it made her hurt, the time away from him and the added time alone had given her time to self reflect, something she didn't do to often.

when she thought about how she had treated him in the past it seemed like she was fussing at him most of the time, that or not giving him enough credit.

she felt selfish in a way that deep down she felt like she was more focused on saving herself than saving harry.

but nobody is perfect, right?

she thought maybe writing all her thoughts down and then speaking them to harry might help her guilt and maybe even strengthen what they already have.

a small part of her found the idea to be an effective one while the other part thought it wouldn't do anything seeing as hell was about to break loose and she'd be at the front of it.

right next to voldemort.

the man that swore to kill the boy whom she cared for with her life.

she felt conflicted with herself on whether or not she should do something but all that went away the second sylus came running towards her.

"have you seen draco or potter?" he asked in a hurry, eyes wide and breathing heavy.

aurelia shook her head, immediately going into panic at the mention of the boys together.

"you haven't passed either of them?"

"no, sylus. what happened?"

sylus ran a hand down his face and began talking once more. "potter was talking to the katie girl and draco came in and immediately after potter was going after him." he explained hurriedly.

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