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WEEKS PASSED and aurelia found herself with the weasley twins most weekends. she'd never admit it to their faces but she enjoyed her time with them, as did they.

sure her friends would constantly ask questions and even harry had become slightly concerned of her constant disappearing but he was trying his best to stay away.

that proved fatal though as his search to figure out what exactly draco was up to always led him to aurelia.

it was the one day in november that led him to the library, he hadn't the slightest clue why he was there but the second he found a quiet spot he collapsed on a table.

he'd been having uncontrollable nightmares, nightmares so bad that he wasn't sleeping as well and you could see it in the way he walked and the lack of food he consumed.

"harry? harry? wake up."

the boy fell out of his chair and straight onto the floor, luckily no one but a few people were in the library but they were to busy doing their own thing to take notice.

harry opened his eyes and found astoria looking at him. not the "a" i was hoping for. he thought, taking her hand as he followed her—not that he even knew where he was going.

"what's the matter astoria?"

"it's aurelia. she's not responsive."

harry ran a hand through his hair as they walked down the corridors to the dungeons. "what do you mean unresponsive?"

"she been having nightmares."

the boy stopped in his tracks and internally cursed himself. "how long?"

"we're not sure." astoria spoke rapidly. "she always has a silencing charm on and her curtains closed."

harry chewed on his bottom lip as the made their way to the slytherin dorms. he feared that he had once again put her in danger by dragging her into one of his nightmares. they were his problem and he never wanted to make aurelia suffer for it.

"i've got him." astoria cried, showing harry where aurelia was laid.

he waisted no time in placing a hand to her head but tensed up when she was nothing but hot.

"why hasn't she been taken to madam pomfrey?" he asked rushed, now looking around the room where all her friends sat.

"she kept saying your name." draco seethed, sitting on the opposite side of the bed with pansy. "that's not a good look for her."

harry ignored his obvious glares.

he wasn't here for him anyway.

"do you know what's wrong with her?" blaise asked, holding onto her hand with theo sitting nearby.

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