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THE HOLIDAYS WENT BY FAST and before the regal eight knew it they were right back in school, their parents constantly nagging on them about their exams.

"i'm telling you my mum has never tried to converse with me more." theo huffed earning an eye roll from draco.

"at least it's just your mum, both my parents said the dark lord himself would disown me if i don't pass."

"that's why it's best to have one parent." aurelia commented, causing the group to look at her, sylus, and blaise who were obviously happy with the joke.

"well we better get going before we're late."

everyone unanimously agreed and went their separate ways, aurelia going off with blaise.

"how was it?" the girl questioned once they were alone in the corridor.

"how was what?"

"you're task obviously."

blaise closed his eyes, remembering the screams of the man. when he first got his task it sounded as if he would have been doing the torturing.

when i'm actuality he was keeping guard, but even that was torture, knowing an innocent man was getting something he didn't deserve.

"it was alright." he grimaced.

aurelia nodded and kept walking, noticing how tense blaise had become. "if it makes you feel better he's okay. well i don't know about mentally but he's not dead so that's good."

blaise gave her a weird expression, still not understanding how after all these years she was still bad at comforting people.

"are you joining?"

the pair looked up at a sign up sheet for umbridge's inquisitorial squad. "i dunno. i think i'm better off tutoring the first years for extra credit."

"well you're doing better than theo and draco."

blaise's eyebrow went up, not having been informed of theo's involvement.

"theo and draco are everywhere, umbridge has got them both wrapped around her finger. it's all crazy i'm telling you."

"YOU LOOK RED." sylus commented, pointing to aurelia's face.

"i'm black, sylus. how could you possibly tell?"

weak ➪ h. potterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora