Backdoor Shenanigans

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Chapter 68:


{It's been about a day since Chuck's been put under open arrest by his brother, and that he will be confined to base, yet the news about it spread like a bushfire. All units under Chuck's command and half of Brian's soldiers are outrageous by this notion, and some begin to stage mutinies and coup against their own brothers in arms in an attempt to convince Brian, somehow, to let Chuck be released}

Since this news is still recent, the coups are fresh and are just starting, but if Brian doesn't resolve this issue soon, then it's gonna get worse.


Chuck caught wind of this, and seeing his brave men revolt in an attempt to convince Brian gave him an idea. Of course, he doesn't condone their actions, but he didn't discourage then neither. Hopefully those men won't get in trouble after the match.

He remembers vaguely about an historical event where hundreds of supporters stormed an important building of governance to satisfy their leader's ego, but he prefers to keep it silent.

It's fortunate the one supervising him is his partner, Naomi, who's not even doing her job in keeping him under watch. She mostly lets him do what he wants, unless it's beyond Outpost Alpha.


But Chuck notices a loophole in his probation period—if he can't leave beyond Alpha, then he can just go back to HQ to call upon 'his secret weapon' as he deems it.

Brian has no idea about Chuck's secret weapon, and neither does virtually everybody in the Saunders Armed Forces. Naomi's knowledge about it is vague, yet her gut tells her that whatever Chuck is planning is not good, but it may well bring forth either outstanding or disastrous results.


Early in the morning, Chuck and Naomi snuck out of Outpost Alpha, and rode to the headquarters. The ride there was uneventful, and Chuck kept quiet for once. But him being this silent and keeping things to himself unsettles Naomi. She thinks she prefers him to be ranting about the Wild West and why his brother is annoying.

When Chuck glances at her, noticing her staring at him like he has something in his teeth, he met her gaze with a smile. She widens her eyes and blushes slightly, flustered from getting caught.


One uncanny ride later, they made it to their headquarters. It's unimpressive as Outpost Alpha, as it is located behind a thicket of trees, and it lacks a bunch of facilities but that's because they intend to settle in more breathtaking places, and also Brian gave Chuck the job of modelling the HQ.

In hindsight, that would explain why Chuck is seldom given outposts to look after, but what he lacks in sense of decor and how to make the place not look like a total eyesore, he makes up for it in practicality and efficiency.

Just a few hours since they settled their HQ, Chuck had erected a command centre, an airfield, a satisfactory-at-best dock, storage houses, training yards, garages, medical facilities—all of it are made from simple and easy-to-get resources that are already provided in the surrounding area. The infantry tents are plenty, as well as the latrines, which are uncomfortably near the barracks.


Since the HQ is sort of a throwaway base, the defences are less than decent, but Chuck still gives it enough defensive structures to make sure the base won't be taken easily. Stuff like barbed wire (which are actually artificial spider webs) strewn about their flanks, coupled with tank traps and mines. There are also heavy turret emplacements, which can act against infantry, tank, and air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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