Don't mess with our young Pt. 1

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Chapter 52:


{What happened at Northbury Township shocked everyone, who was awake}

Major Ash saw the potential war crimes committed in the town, such as: involving civilians in gunfighting; artillery bombardment of a civilian outpost (A new wartime rule established by Major Ash after witnessing the attack on a Saunders outpost); destroying and/or vandalizing public property, eg, that wall surrounding the town; the execution of prisoners; and worst of all, a kamikaze run that was committed by the St. John brothers.

Ash is very much aware that, after their initial fright in Outpost Cain, most of the civilians in the battleground – after a ceasefire in their town of course – actually enjoyed the excitement of the combat around them, and even more were looking forward to their legal compensation for their trouble and the vandalism and destruction of property.

Ash was even receiving questions as to when the townspeople could look forward to being in the next battle. Surely all of the compensation needed would be enough to ruin the economy of Japan. The Japanese should count themselves lucky the US is paying for this sport to happen, and therefore will be paying for it, but of course, it would put Japan under a lot of debt to Uncle Sam, which would make their current economic situation worse for them.

Ash can't help but feel angry at his government's efforts to unintentionally scam the Japanese people, yet he can't help but also laugh at the irony of it all that the US is going to bankrupt themselves as well, compensating for the matches.

He knows that the walls some of the towns in Japan's countryside have, that was not built by either school, are out of lease, and therefore unable to be compensated, but when Saunders blew up a gate, it sent parts of said gate flying all around. Luckily, no one was hurt, but the rubble and debris hit the buildings adjacent or near the gate, resulting in scratches, dents, cracks, and the occasional shattered or cracked windows.

Vandalizing public property is not exactly a serious crime; if anything it's just a nuisance for the townsfolk involved, yet rules are rules... Probably the federation forgot to remove it; they have more things to worry about, and ruined or destroyed stuff will be compensated for after all.

Ash was aware that some prisoners had been needlessly but secretly executed, but the numbers were few, and Saunders had done the same with Ooarai fighters, so he decided both sides are quits this time, but he will issue a stern reminder to both commanders. Meanwhile, the 'dead' captures are already recovered and locked up in police stations, where their fate will be decided after the battle is concluded.

A kamikaze run isn't necessarily called a war penalty, but a war penalty – in the eyes of the federation – more likely revolves around safety violations, deliberate or not.

As fast as war penalties are racked up, seeing as the battle in the fort became a cesspool of which, this would make the battle end in a technicality, and a stalemate and people do not like that.

He refrained from announcing the potential war penalties happening, because of the aforementioned above, and he feels embarrassed waking up everyone who was sleeping in the audience, but he also refrained from listing those war penalties because he became confused. There was so much stuff happening in one night, that it became difficult to process to the gruff military official.

That impromptu kamikaze act worried Major Ash until he saw the two bikers coming out...relatively unscathed. He feared that if anyone saw that act, the federation would step in and shut everything down to prevent death and actual injury. He's lucky that Kanon Sasagawa, a federation judge and official, was asleep and tucked in her quarters at the time.

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