Look at me...I'm the principal now

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Chapter 29:


The St. Gloriana bout skyrocketed Ray and the Ooarai Unconventional Army's reputation. By how they won with such low numbers, low experience, and advanced WW2 weapons that were too alien for them. This causes a surge of new recruits to sign up in droves, which must've been touching for their commander-in-chief.

Strengthened by the Journalist club who gave out school newspapers, that immediately became trending in campus. Thanks to Matthew's expert photography skills, the perfectly snapped photos helped with the public getting a good view of the bout. The new recruits were especially taken by the perfectly snapped battle scenes...especially with the picture that involved a St. Gloriana commando getting snapped before Matthew killed him.

But because of the surge of new recruits...that means they needed new barracks. Thomas's engineers immediately went to work establishing new bunkhouses, but Ray needs to address that issue right now.

Before he could, he needs to award and commend the soldiers for their bravery, tact, and valour they showed throughout the battle. Promotions were handed out to people who deserve them, and medals that involves bravery, honour, and getting injured in battle were also handed out. The way Ray got these medals were suspicious, but considering he has a bag that can manifests stuff you think of thoroughly, it's not illegal, since he technically owns them... The medals do look authentic enough to be misinterpreted.

He first started with the people that have witnesses to their medal of honour moment. Especially Cutlass, Freddy, Reilly, and that HQ commander who, apparently, managed to keep the HQ afloat after a battalion strong of enemy soldiers stormed the base while Ray and the others were originally running.

Cutlass explicitly stated that she's not part of the army, and she was merely there as 'A mercenary or a sellsword.' She was only in it because David paid her too... That did not stop Ray however. He forcibly got her a place in the navy, got handed out a promotion to Seaman—to which he had David do it because reasons, and a medal commending her for her bravery.

Surprisingly she took it well, and quickly accepted her role... Of course, a dispute happened between her and Ray about her wearing a uniform, even though she preferred to wear hers. A little arena battle later, and after Ray won, she just took to wear her raincoat she used in the battle.

After giving the medals to people who deserve it, and medals of participation for the rest who unfortunately did not get their moment of glory, training resumes as normal, with mild reforms concerning laws.

Thomas finally got through to making an inspectorate; which is just a fancy way of saying he set up a bulletin board for the soldiers to express their opinions upon Ray's laws.

The next three days after the St. Gloriana bout, Ray sent Matthew out to his ACS, to announce new laws... Improvements were given to his ACS, which now prompt him to get him to play any kind of music he wants. Desmond was sent to supervise him when he does... He stated he had a jolly good time listening to Matthew's wacky broadcast, and he could tell Isaac is having a jolly good time himself doing this.


Matthew: "What is going on, Ooarai! It is I! Your friendly base Disc Jockey, Isaac Matthews! Hey, funny story, um, I messed up the wording for Disc Jockey this one time... Do you wanna know what I said? I said 'Dick Jockey'. Boy, imagine me not fixing that mistake. 'Hello, Ooarai! This is your friendly neighbourhood Dick Jockey! About to put the dicks down later, and make them wail!' Boy, good thing I learned from that. That would be a fitting name for the St. Gloriana General."

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