Everybody's weird

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Chapter 64:


It was scary to think about what Thomas would do with those valuable bars of rocks. If what Saemonza said is true, it would be a benefit, but they can't help but feel like they're cheating since they're taking valuable stuff that's not theirs. Their morality is just that high, even if Ray reassures them that no one will miss the Australium ingots.

Of course, they're not complaining to just let the Australium stay in the factory, but more like venting that they can't help but feel like they're one-upping their opponents.

To get their minds off of this amazing, yet worrying encounter, Ray continues their conversation, and even shows them the coin tricks he learned from magic camp.


Before he does that, he needs to be in a comfortable and spacious area, so they retrace their steps back to the lobby, where Ray can safely do his coin tricks, meanwhile also entertaining several onlookers.

Since the time for idling has past, the lobby is less occupied than before. Commanders take their soldiers off their butts and leave the factory, to perhaps contribute in existing chores. A few squads prefer to stay and finish their games until they could focus on their chores, and their lenient commanding officers lets them be, and trust their word that they will do their assigned chores after finishing their games.

This leaves several tables vacant for use.


After doing a double-check to see if the Hippo Team doesn't have anything else to do, which they reassured him that they don't, they all stride over to a vacant table that was once used for poker by the evidence of poker chips, as well as some cards left behind.

Erwin takes an Ace of spades card, and grows a rather furtive grin. She tried to hang it on the side of her cap, but failed. Instead, she keeps the card in her front pocket, and probably would think of what to do with it later.

After the history club gets situated in their seats, Ray sits at the front side of the table, to be the centre of attention.


Before he starts his act, a cold feeling shivers in his spine. He feels someone whispering behind his back, and he sees no one there. However, that's when he... remembered something. His spirit guardian speaks to him, quietly, as if people may hear her.


Sayori: "Do you want my assistance on this one, Ray?"

Ray: "No thanks, I got this."

Erwin, who looks at Ray with a raised brow: "Um... Okay? We weren't doubting your skills before, you know?"


To get started, he produces a coin, and begins flipping it. It creates this metallic ting sound every time he flings it in the air. He keeps his eyes off of it, and not once did it miss his palm.


Ray: "So about this magic camp; I no longer remember its name, but I do know that I was put there at the age of ten, and it was basically our equivalent of summer camp. But instead of teaching us survival skills – of which I was taught a year later – it teaches us how to fuck with people's minds with sleight of hands."

*After the coin lands on his hand, he slides his chair backwards a few inches away from the table. He lifts both hands, and turn them horizontally. He then begins to toss the coin to his other hand, and does this several times, much to the surprise of the Hippo Team.*

Erwin: "Are your hands magnetic or something, Ray?"

Caesar: "Just what kind of things have those magicians been teaching you at camp?!"

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