Big brother instincts Pt. 2

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Chapter 49:


It takes a while for the convoy of Philip's assault battalion's remaining members to reach Northbury Township, as they arrive during the time the sky turns red, and lamp posts in nearby villages they come across are lighting up.

As their safe haven's protective walls come within their sight, they see a banner posted on top of the parapet that says, "Welcome home, soldiers," in Japanese. At least, that's what they think it says.

There are soldiers, mostly gunners, stationed outside the walls to make sure there won't be any disturbances the moment they got inside the walls.

As the first tank – the Panzer IV – entered the town, it was immediately cheered on vigorously by soldiers and confused civilians alike. The way these cheers continued as the rest of the convoy entered made it look like a military parade was in town. Many of the troopers could not wait much longer and decided to jump out of their jolting trucks so they could finally rest their blistered behinds in their fort of Northbury Township.

The Ooarai military police, and perhaps the actual police in Northbury did not scold or tell them to get back in the truck because they knew that they deserve this well-deserved rest.

The tanks are parked in the garages; to be tended to by the civilian mechanics, and the infantry trucks are scattered around parking lots and spaces they could find. The mentally exhausted troops embraced one another, and perhaps any nearby base defender for comfort. Those who got a random hug did not complain... In reality, they do need a hug as well.

The tank team members were overjoyed they finally made it to their safe haven, that some – especially the freshmen – cried tears of joy, or lay down in the pavement to feel the relatively clean roads.

As the tank crews get out of their vehicle and take in the fresh, non-paint tainted air, Ray Gonzales – the man himself, Andrew, and Matthew were the first persons to welcome them home.

Mako, from the Anglerfish team, upon seeing Andrew, could not contain herself and rushes in to hug the young man. Andrew was tackled off his feet, but his giggles indicate he is enjoying this.

Miho felt the same with Matthew, but this time the latter expected this. He welcomed his loved one in open arms and was yelling as much as her on how much they missed each other.

It's expected for Yukari to do the same to Ray, but she got out of the tank looking rather depressed and down. Out of character for her usual eccentric and energetic personality. Ray fears she must've been burnt out by war, and wonders about the possibility of what her parents would've reacted if she sees her in this state.

His first instinct was to go and check on her, and imagine his relief when she, upon close proximity, perked up and hugs Ray down by the neck. She too was excited upon reuniting with him as much as her team members are with theirs, though perhaps she's just not demonstrating it as much.


Ray: "Am I glad you're safe! Thanks to you, your friends, and hundreds of men and women are safe. You must feel like a hero."

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