Let the battle begin!

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Chapter 13:


Equally distributing his men among the girls, they could finally start scattering the teams throughout the forest, where they would fight each other, in a vicious game of cat and mouse, except, they're all cats and mice. By which I mean, they play the cat and the mice, because they're playing free for all and...you get it.

To prevent cheating by figuring out where they are exactly, there's a certain interval of five minutes for each team to find their own perfect positions. The team consists of a single armour, three or two officers from Ray, and fifty soldiers—with varying classes.

The last team that was supposed to move out now was Team A, ironically. Or, Miho and Ray's team. Ray told his soldiers to eat some provisions, and go to the potty before they no longer have a chance. Disgustingly, but practically, John had them be equipped with emergency plastic bags...that hold their urine... And shovels...where they would bury their excrement. 

As the men scatter to relieve themselves, this includes Ray's officers, Ray had a nice chat with Yukari. The former found himself comfortable with her weird stalker-ish mannerisms now. They're currently sharing a soda at the back of the Panzer IV.


Ray: "So...this one time, when I was a kid... I like sniffing soap."

Yukari: "Me too, man. You ain't special."

Ray: "Well, it's about to get worse, so, I think I'm more special. Being a dumbass kid, I, while in the bathroom taking a shower, sniffed a soap...deeply. Like, to the point my throat rattles. That's when my mind, like, went dark, and I...instinctively...bite a chunk off of the soap."

*With such a casual unexpected line delivered, Yukari chokes on her drink. This causes Hana, the woman close to her at the time, and Ray to smack her back to prevent her from choking further.*

Yukari: "You what?!"

Ray: "So...yeah... I got myself into the emergency room, and got my stomach pumped. And that's the last time my uncle bought solid soap. Unfortunately, that didn't exactly stop me. When I was in middle school, I shared hand sanitizer with John and James—the only dudes with me at the time... We then...so to say, drank it."

Yukari: "Ew! Dude, gross!"

Ray: "I never said it was gross, more like sour and bitter. Can you blame me for being a dumbass?"

*Yukari laughs hysterically afterwards, spilling the contents of her soda on her skirt. After scarfing it down, she puts it inside Ray's bag, and begins to tell a "When I was a dumbass kid" story of her own.*

Yukari: "You're not the only one with a cringeworthy, disgusting, child oblivious story like that. I got a few, though, I bet none of them would top...you eating soap."

Ray: "Let me hear it."

*Ray pockets the soda, and pulls out two bottles of water to hose the caffeinated sugar down. He hands the other one to Yukari.*

Yukari: *She wipes her wet lips using her forearm.* "Okay, so...it started like this... I am obsessed with tanks, and military related stuff, remember? My ma...took me to come see, like, a tank museum, and oh boy, I couldn't contain myself! I was literally clinging onto every large shell I find! And it took three guards, and my mom! To get me off of it! Comes to a point I had an entourage to keep me from dry humping a cylindrical metal of death."

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