Battle scars

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Chapter 59:


{It certainly was frightening to see two players from Ooarai suicidally ramming themselves into an enemy tank; luckily, those two made it out okay, although, in the case of the players' mother, who woke up after passing out at the sight of the ramming, that remains to be seen}

Mr. Rhee watches over Sarah in the infirmary that she was in charged of. The other volunteer nurses have no experience in dealing with psychological trauma, let alone consoling a mother over the supposed accident of her two children, so they sort of stood aside and let Mr. Rhee do his thing.

Accompanying Mr. Rhee would be Midoriko of the Public Morals Committee. Due to the absence of the Military Police Chief, Reilly, as he has to be present in the ensuing war of Saunders and Ooarai, she is chosen to be the temporary chief of the Military Police that are currently staying behind.


It took a while for Sarah to wake up, but when she did, she woke up wailing and crying, screaming, "My sons are dead!" She is kicking and flailing about like a kid having a temper tantrum, although, a death of a child, let alone two, can do... things to a mother's mind.

Midoriko orders for two Military Policemen to restrain her before she hurts herself or others, and after Mr. Rhee administers a sedative that calms her down... enough, he brings the grieving mother up to speed.


Mr. Rhee: "Sarah, your sons... are fine. There is continuing footage that shows... those two coming out unscathed." *He turns to Midoriko.* "Show her the footage."

Midori: "Yes, sir."

*It's fortunate a school-issued Tablet has access to streaming sites. It took a while for Midoriko to reverse the footage that shows Sarah's sons being fine, and when she did, she turns the tablet around, and shows Sarah, who's recovering from being drugged, the video.*

*The video shows the aftermath of the kamikaze run her sons did. She was... unamused by this at first, but as the surrounding players bow their heads and remove their helmets, having a moment of silence, two men walk into view. Their uniforms were clear enough evidence that those are her sons.*

*Sarah holds back a smile as she takes the Tablet from Midori, to see it closely. As tears of joy flow down her cheeks, Sarah smiles and sighs in relief.*

Sarah: *She holds her chest in great relief.* "Oh, those boys... They're... They're... I'M GONNA KILL THEM!"

*Sarah shoves the Tablet to Midori, who was offended at first, as Sarah jumps out of bed, and pace around, having a rant. Her Spanish accent started to show up, as volunteer nurses run out the infirmary out of fear.*

Sarah: "Madre de dios! I swear, those two idiots will be the death of me! If I get my hands on them! I'm gonna throttle them! ¡Ojalá su padre no fuera un idiota tan impulsivo!"

*She stops ranting just to scream in rage at the ceiling, and continues shouting incomprehensible Spanish until she grew exhausted and sat down on a bed, catching her breath. Midoriko, and the two Military Policemen are a bit startled by her sudden outburst, and the only one unfazed was Mr. Rhee. He stands up, struggles to walk over to her, and sits down on the bed beside her.*

Mr. Rhee: *He caresses his beard and contemplates.* "I say, you've got a very colourful vocabulary... At least your sons are okay."

Sarah: *She wipes away the tears from her eyes with her sleeve.* "Those two won't be very okay if they get here." *She sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose.* "Honestly, they got that from their father... I think I'm gonna take a leave this day, sir, to—"

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