A reform and a repress

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Chapter 19:


Ray had a hard time trying to sleep last night, as he feared of that seemingly dangerous shadowy figure might be haunting his house. He slept with the light on, and a crucifix under his pillow; it's both disrespectful to the Lord, and uncomfortable.

He almost considers calling in sick, but he kept reminding himself he has men that he needs to take care of, so he forces himself to get up – with just six hours of sleep, and gets ready for the day.

He thought everything that had happened prior yesterday was a bad dream, but it really did happen when he notices his new General's uniform...patched with red.

Since it's ruined, he replaces it with a more whiter version.

Finalising with the golden neck latch of his revolver around his neck, then his glasses, but as he instinctively tried to reach out for his bag...he realises he gave it to John so they can use it while he's gone.

Mumbling a curse under his breath, Ray gets out of his room, having to skip breakfast because he "Just doesn't feel like eating," only to encounter Yukari – uniformed and sleeping on his front door.

The moment he swung the door open and stepped outside, Yukari jolted out of her nap, and greeted Ray with excitement. Somehow her mere presence got Ray to be at ease, still, he's still groggy from having to sleep in just six hours.


Yukari: "Good morning, Ray!"

Ray: "Hello, Yukari... How long were you outside?"

*Yukari hands out Ray's satchel.*

Yukari: "Here you go, Ray! I insisted to John that I should give it to you, besides, he's very busy!"

Ray: "Oh...well...thank you... Again, how long were you outside my porch?"

Yukari: "About thirty minutes; I took a nap."

Ray: "Wow... I...don't know how to respond to that. You're very persistent, aren't you?"

*Yukari simply just giggled, and took Ray's wrist so they can walk together at school. Ray was quick to pull away.*

Ray: "What do you think you're doing?"

Yukari: "Erm, walk to school?"

Ray: "Oh...well... Don't...yank my hand. That's not how you hold hands with someone."

Yukari: "I'm socially awkward; I have no idea how social interactions work."

Ray: "Understandable. Come, let's...walk to school... I hope we aren't late."


On their way to school, Yukari often slides close to Ray as they walk—often making him stumble a bit, not wanting to step on her feet. It annoys him, a lot, but this act of hers reminds him of a friend that kept nudging Ray, either to the right or wrong direction, or because she wants to get close to him.

Eventually, they encountered Miho, walking very slowly. She walks as if she's shell shocked—deep in thought and more likely thinking about something rather than because she's sick. Yukari, as expected, waves and yells after her.

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