Excuse to play dress up

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Chapter 11:


With orders for a practice battle to grant them experience in future matches, Ray and Simon sprang into action by bolting out the uniform warehouse, to locate their friends one by one.

Finding Thomas and Andrew, and maybe Judas wasn't hard, and judging by the many red markings on Andrew's person, Thomas took his sweet time in beating the shit out of him. When Ray stepped in however, Andrew immediately went to hide behind him. Both to cower, and use him as a shield. Ray shook his head exasperatedly, and disapprovingly; he felt like he's in charge of a dysfunctional family.

Ray thought to get Javier and David into this, but they were already gone—and looking at the crates of guns, they could see a substantial amount of weapons and ammunition gone from their boxes. What's more, it seems there're some huge bags missing too! Or, the shield bearer's bag. A huge and black military bag with a lot of pockets, parts, zippers, carabiners, and more. It's meant to carry heavy stuff of course!

Ray thinks they just smuggled out of the army, and this got him pissed off, but he can worry about punishing those two men later; he has an army to gather.

They scattered around everywhere, looking for the rest of their friends. On the way, Ray noticed Alvin and Doug – the other two descendants from Audie's gang – doing contributions...in their own way.

Alvin looks like he's training the men to be more accurate, and intimidating. Of course, this doesn't really work when you fully know well it's an act, so what he's doing is training the men to be more empathetic in fragile weaklings in uniform attempting to scare them... Or how to make ugly faces that'll either give your foes nightmares, or bellyaches. On the bright side, they at least know the most cheapest way of taking out a squad—target the furthest, and make your way up to the closest, that way, the men at the front have no idea they're dying. A standard turkey shooting technique.

Doug is instructing the mortar team, artillery battery team, howitzer crew, and presumably the tank busters – or bazookas, or zookas. James is already there, the tall and really annoying comedian now turned pick-up line artist. He's training the men how to blow shit up, and he's really experienced in handling the mortars, artillery batteries, howitzers, and rocket launchers. By the way, Ray hadn't exactly...picked out explosive teams yet, so, Doug essentially crossed off a workload on Ray's shoulders.

They found James the Second and Thaddeus preaching to a typical and silent crowd of support gunners. They all wear their uniforms, and bear the guns of John Moses Browning. Some don't wear the blazers – making them look like they're ready for prom because of their concealed vest looking like a tuxedo vest, and some possess preacher hats such as James the Second. It's like...a meeting of armed cultists, except, at first glance, you're already drawn into their religion. As James the Second noticed Ray, and the other confused faces of his friends, he ends the mass by shouting, "In the name of Jesus Christ! And by the righteous fury of Joshua Alphaeus Graham! Amen!"

They shouted amen, and slowly raised their guns into the air. Others hold them two handed, because they hold rifles, or their arms are weak. Others just...hold them with one hand, because they hold pistols, or they're strong enough to carry a rifle over their head. It was...scary, to say the least, especially when they slowly swivelled around and met their gaze.

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