Back in the saddle

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Chapter 42:


After arriving at presumably the Reception and Operations Centre, Ray, Andrew, and Matthew explore the location they're in to see what's going on. Indeed, there're food stalls and trucks as far as the eye can see, as well as merchandise for the recent infantry sport. Merchandises such as GI field jackets, plastic M1 helmets, and fake guns that look authentic. Basically everything you'll see at a military surplus store, but Ray knows they're as fake as an idol's beauty.

But this looks more like a temporary marketplace by the fact it's located outdoors. There are still bushes and trees, and sometimes there're a lot of lands that haven't been temporarily picked over by shopkeepers.

They sometimes stumble upon their comrades, but they either don't have much to say or are just busy. Such as Thomas trying to get with Saunders Sensha-Dō team members, or Bartholomew posing as if he's cosplaying some sniper. Then again, his uniform is a cosplay of a Resistance sniper.

Later in their scouting, Matthew had to bail, since his job as a war correspondent relates to taking pictures of what's going on in the battle, he had to go and snap some photos of the Reception and Operations Centre. Andrew remained by Ray's side.

As for Ray, his appearance definitely did not go unnoticed. When he and Andrew went to one of the areas with food trucks to get a bite to eat, he was immediately surrounded by tank team members of Saunders, female students from both carriers that attended the match, and perhaps even single mothers.

As expected, he was uncomfortable, and Andrew tried his best to keep them at bay. Philip came to the rescue and acted as his temporary bodyguard, which proves to be quite a relief to Ray.

After trying out two different food trucks, the food Ray ate went through him quickly, and he had to use the potty. It took a while to take his uniform off, but after dropping a deuce in a nearby porta-potty, next came the meticulous task of re-wearing every bit of his uniform. Ray then exited, and he suddenly heard a hammer cocking back from a revolver. He then felt the back of his head nudged by a barrel of a gun.

A voice then calls out to him from behind, and whoever this is, they speak in a deep, southern accent with an obvious fake John Wayne drawl, that gives the boogeyman nightmares.


Stranger: "Reach for the skies, partner."

Ray: "If you wanna shoot me... You better not miss."

Stranger: "Missing at point-blank range? Heh, I doubt it. Now, turn around and face me."

*Ray does what the stranger said, gulping his throat in as he slowly spun around and raised his hands. His fear turned into surprise when the stranger that was holding him up was Chuck, his cousin with an obsession over cowboys.*

*He's still holding a revolver against Ray's temple, but Ray could see inside the cylinder that it's empty. After meeting each other's gaze, Chuck smirks, points his revolver in the air from his torso, dry fires it, then holsters it after spinning it around with finesse like what gunslingers do.*

*Chuck wears what resembles Ray's signature look of superiority, except it's more beige, and he lacks the sort of army formality and goes for a more cowboy look. Under his beige duster coat is a white waistcoat, and underneath that waistcoat is a black shirt. Ray could see two bandoliers for cartridges over his waistcoat that's aligned in a cross-like form. It's not full of cartridges just yet.*

*Also differing from Ray's signature look is the fact Chuck has his trench coat opened, revealing his belt with a golden buckle that has a sheriff's hat as a label. Being a gunslinger, and a cowboy fan, he's going akimbo. To be precise there are two holsters attached to the left side of his belt – one of which has a revolver holstered. To complete his attire, he wears a pair of black jeans, that are tucked into two cowboy boots, completed with metal spurs.*

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