King of the hill

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Chapter 45:


The premature attack of Saunders surprised the audience, as did Major Ash as he was disapproving of that since he delivered that announcement of a penalty against Saunders.

Most of the audience members simply brushed that off, and some were glad that the match finally started so the carnage could finally begin with primitive fighting than the prior back-and-forth of tank shells.

However, a select few of them are expectant, as they are familiar with what Ray would do to cheaters, rule breakers, and impatient folk. Usually, he would kick the cheating or rule-breaking player out of his paintball clan, but now since he's in an expanded space, there's no telling what he would do without restrictions, as Hohei-Dō inspires a military environment vibe.


Michael: "Welp, they gone and done it now. Not sure what's gotten into Brian to break the rules."

Pekoe: "It could be accidental?"

Rachel: "Nah. Look at that footage. They weren't fighting in self-defense. It's like they knew they were goin' to!... I dunno, raid one of their bases, or something?"

Darjeeling: "Huh. You are on to something there. They were waiting in the forests, and a perfect opportunity to strike. They're different to that of what Ooarai did, as they make sure we – or their opponents – are in close range."

Rachel: "Well, I mean, the yanks aren't used to fightin' in jungles. We knew that in Vietnam!"

Pekoe: "Tch. The Americans' weakness: jungle warfare."

Michael: "Do you guys not think of this as suspicious?"

*The three women exchanged glances, not immediately taking the hint on Michael's suspicion.*

Darjeeling: "Either Saunders is tapping into the radios of Ooarai, or one of them has a psychic within their ranks. Actually, if I could recall, there is one such Sensha-Dō tank commander who is notorious for breaking the rules of tapping into radios."

Pekoe: "Though, since the environment regarding this sport has drastically changed... I suppose the judges have no need to call her out like last time."

Darjeeling: *She nods and takes a long sip of her tea.* "Well said, Pekoe."


{Lucio scoffs and chuckles softly after Major Ash's announcement}


Lucio: "Ach, zose fools. Zey have no idea what kind of monster zey unleashed."

Maho: "Pay evil unto evil, right?"

Lucio: "Well, you could put it in zat category, but Ray is more of a... 'Not wanting to be outdone' kind of guy. Trust me, later in zis match, he will do something more vorse than vat Saunders did."

*Erika glances at Lucio and Hans, to both individuals that got scars and effects when they aggro Ray.*

Erika: "I think I got an image of what he's gonna do."

Hans: *He adjusts one of the tubes for his oxygen tanks.* "No kidding."


{Back to the immediate battlefield: Ray recently gathered up about a company's worth of men from Victor-1, and his current objective would be to gather a bulk of a force and send them to Northbury Township where he will pierce through the central front}

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