The greatest worst decision ever made

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Chapter 15:


After defeating John, Ray takes his remaining men, and John and the remnants of his platoon, back to base. He set out a flare to notify Desmond that there's injured in there, and ordered his troops to gather them out on the middle so they can be picked up without burdening the medics with finding.

They moved in a single file to the left side of the path, with John slightly in front of Ray so he can both keep an eye on him, and to discuss what the hell just happened in private.

Distrust between John's troop and Ray is slightly rising, but they have to work together in order to win.


Ray: "John, can you...tell me what happened back there?"

John: "What are you talking about?"

Ray: "What happened between you and Judas? What was that? You made an alliance?"

John: "It ain't our fault, Ray. Bart's girlfriend, and for some reason that transvestite on Philip's volleyball team had it out for you. We set out to find Anzu, just to get her blessing on this alliance... I personally think these women aren't fit for combat if they rely on each other, even if they're enemies. They're too trusting."

Ray: "Are you saying they should stay in the kitchen instead?"

John: "Wha?! When did you get that assumption?! I'm just sayin', that, since we rely on their tanks with our lives—I have a feeling we're not gonna last long."

Ray: "John... They didn't betray you; Judas did."

John: "I know Judas betrayed us! Always has been! He's been backstabbing us in every fucking game we played! But because of him, you eradicated our platoon while we were weak, and now we work for you. If Erwin caught wind of this, she'll be pissed."

Ray: "Was Judas ordered to betray you or—"

John: "Judas is just being Judas, man."

Ray: "I see. Where's Bartholomew?"

John: "I sent him out with a squad to scout out ahead, and provide cover to Erwin's team. He hasn't contacted me since, but I can imagine he would react indifferently when he discovered our team was eradicated. Actually, think he expected this."

Ray: "Bartholomew sees through everything, man. You can't really lie to him, he knows you're lying when you spat out one word."

John: "Agreed."


Suddenly, a convoy of five WW2 military jeeps drove by. They ignored the platoon rendezvousing to their base camp, and continued with their job. While they were passing by, Ray noticed something peculiar. 

He knows they're the medics, yes—but the medics aren't wearing the medical scrubs they were given at the clothing warehouse...thing. They wear dark blue jackets with the texture of a denim jacket and the durability of a flak jacket, naval Dixie caps, dark blue trousers that were tucked up, and combat boots. They're the navy.

Ray recalls Desmond saying that the Navy is the most expanded and open-for-opportunity branch; this is probably what he meant. He's not sure if David consented to this, but considering he just...deserted, with Javier, and stole a bunch of weapons, Ray doesn't at all give at shit towards his feelings now.

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