Hog killin' time

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Chapter 50:


{Admittedly, the losses Saunders had accumulated are mighty embarrassing. How they lost an advantageous coastal outpost to just three people; the fact they can't even defeat a pinned down, demoralized group stuck on a hill with superior numbers and seemingly-unlimited ammo; how their platoons kept getting 'lost' when they enter through the forested areas for scouting or skirmishing, and now they lost an urban outpost, with the enemy — Ooarai — staying there to fight like guerrilla fighters}

As expected of ye olde ten-cent man, Brian, he is not keen on letting this simple urban outpost go, occupying several Saunders squads until the match ends.

However, while this is devastating for the regular troops, for Chuck this is what he wanted to happen. This plan of his is plumb and ripe, with the last thing to do is to raid Northbury Township, and assassinate Ray and destroy the flag tank.

Knowing how Ray wishes to keep his friends close, as soon as their Urban Outpost, Outpost Cain, got locked in a stalemate, he issued an evacuation of the tank crew and Philip's battalion over to Northbury Township.

Fog of eyes Bravo, before losing transmissions with them, reported they saw a convoy of vehicles and tanks lighting a shuck past their hill camp.

Confident that everything is coming together, Chuck gathers up as much of his men he could bring to their Metal Factory fort that they affectionately named 'The Sanctuary'. He also requested three tanks, and three pounders (Artillery batteries).

Before all of this; before hearing the tank teams are evacuated and are heading their way, Chuck sends in cavalry units after cavalry units to give Ooarai restless nights. To annoy them and humiliate them that, despite how advanced their weaponry is, they still have a hard time dealing with men wearing feather bonnets, screaming from the top of their lungs, and firing arrows at them.

Apparently, the arrow rain tactic was still useful and effective even to this day. Of course, if Ooarai troops didn't have shield-bearers on their side, which is the bee in Saunders' bonnet, it would've been more beneficial, and not adding to a waste of arrows.

Making numbing arrows is hard work...

Sometimes those cavalry units come back victorious; sometimes they come back with fewer numbers than before. Fortunately, after the announcement of Ooarai being handed a war penalty, Chuck considers that a win.

If he can't take Ray out, he can annoy him to submission. His ace in the hole.

As night begins to set in, when the air around them turns cold, Chuck makes a headcount of his men once more. He's at sea about the real numbers of this assault force since he's too preoccupied with annoying Ooarai that he wasn't paying much attention.

His charming, ride-or-die partner, Naomi helps him with the headcount. Apart from the gang he has with him from his first arrival in Saunders, he gathered about five hundred of his outlaws and a battalion's worth of regular marines.

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