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Chapter 7:


Sleeping quite early, you think Ray would also wake up early? Well, you're dead wrong.

Or rather, partially right. Ray awoken in his room, and he was on his bed, but he was unable to move his arms, legs, body, nor head - he could only move his eyes.

He is in his room, but his room was...blurry and darker than usual, in near darkness and faulty lightings. No sunlight radiates through the windows, and while the blinds are closed, a few rays would've passed on through.

He wasn't scared, nor in fear, but he was very confused. Suddenly, there was shadowy figure sitting on the edge of his bed. The dim light source makes it so he's unable to distinguish who the hell this person is, sitting on the edge of his bed.

Of course, they were looking away from him at the time.

Is he on a sleep paralysis? But can you move your eyes in one? This is a really weird sleep paralysis if that's the case.

Suddenly, the figure slowly swivelled its head, to turn to Ray. His heart pounds like a sledgehammer meeting a pavement as the figure turns their head ever so slightly to Ray's direction. He tries to shake himself awake by attempting to move his toes, because moving your toes proved to be efficient in waking you up in times like these, but it was futile, as he actually couldn't move at all. Like he was numb.

Number than when he was hit in between the eyes, and be emitted a numb shock. This is not an ordinary type of numb, it's the type that it's like you're empty - inside and out.

Confusion looms over Ray, as the figure, now turning its body, could be found distinguishing features... It's a woman, judging by its thin body proportion, and of course, a decent bust size. Must be a teenager too, but why would a shadow person be distinguishable by gender?

Suddenly, even more confusion arose from Ray's mind as more figures begun to walk out of the shadowy darkness when his front door opens. The front door leads out into a void, devoid of nothing by darkness, and emptiness.

The figures that was produced by this void were...out of this world. No, really, they look like they're from out of this world entirely. Figures with bird like features, but human like appendages went and approach the young and bewildered man. They possess one big eye, and three additional small ones by the top of it. They possess three fingers on three of each arm, but the third arm, the one protruding out of their chest is smaller in comparison.

There are only four of these figures, but in that context, it's a lot. Their skin glows purple, but the colour of it is like staring into the galaxy far beyond humanity's reach. It's like their colours are inverted or something, and they're waving their arms in circular motions.

Ray is violently shaking himself awake, but still, it was futile. Suddenly, one of the figures went closer, closer than comfort, and whispered something barely understandable in Ray's ear.

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