Chapter 35 - A Father's Request

Start from the beginning

"Come on," said Roran, "Let's get the lumps and go home."

Together, the pair left the row of mine entrances and headed across the stairs to the other ravine. This side of the crags didn't have mines, but instead had several hot springs that provided warm water for the people throughout the crags.

Roran and Zan worked their way past a collection of steaming pipes and water storage tanks to a mound of smoking rocks. Nearby sat a smoking vent that bubbled and hissed. Occasionally, a bit of magma bubbled out of the vent and rolled down the hill, forming into a lump that settled at the end of the walkway.

Roran and sorted through a collection of lumps, looking for the largest and the freshest ones. Roran grabbed one, rolling it into a fine metal net, and carefully picking it up. Zan netted two more. Careful to keep the hot lumps away from their bodies, Roran and Zan made the trek back down the stairs to the little home where Vin was waiting.

Zan burst through the door, tossing his lumps next to the fireplace and heading straight for the workshop.

"Pa, you won't believe it, we got eighteen notes for a single cart!"

Smiling, Roran entered the home and closed the door behind himself. He added his lump to Zan's at the fireplace and pulled off his gloves. After peeling for a couple days, his hands were finally back to normal, though with a few more calluses than before. His feet had also stopped peeling and stopped hurting.

Vin came out of the workshop with Zan hot on his heels. He was still wearing his smithing apron and carried the scent of burnt metal with him.

"Eighteen for a single cart he says?"

Roran nodded and handed over a pile of notes to Vin. "Forty five total, we did good today."

"How did you even manage to push that cart out of the mines?"

"It's because he's strong Pa, super strong! I keep telling you!"

"I'm only this strong because I eat my vegetables," said Roran with a wink.

Zan wrinkled his nose, refusing to believe the lie. "Veggies got nothing to do with it!"

"Do too."

"Do not!"

Vin laughed. "I'm almost done with my work for the day. Did you two bring the extra lump like I asked?"

Roran nodded and gestured to the fireplace.

"Excellent, give me a few minutes and I'll get dinner in the oven."

"I can do it," said Zan. "You already got it ready, right?"

Vin nodded. "Aye, just be careful, and don't get magma in it like last time."

Sticking his lip out, Zan pouted and said, "Yes Pa."

As Vin disappeared back into his workshop, Zan grabbed one of the lumps and carried it to the kitchen. He upended the metal netting, dumping the lump on the stone counter. It too had been carved directly out of the mountain.

Zan dug around in the ice chest and found a pair of dishes filled with food. He slid them into the oven and then returned to the lump. Taking a small hammer, Zan smacked the lump a few times. On the third smack, the lump cracked open, revealing a hot and gooey core. Using a pair of tongs, Zan slid the two halves of the lump into the oven and shut the door.

"There, dinner will be ready in no time."

Roran smiled at the boy. "I look forward to it." Roran glanced around the home, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sarah. Still nothing.

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