My Babies!

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Crying in Kris's arms as soon as we are teleported back to Bahm's room, my body was pained all over and my children haven't moved not once inside of my womb! I couldn't control the way I was crying. I was truly hurt and worried about my babies. My head was pounding from Cyn's grip and my backside felt wounded. I already knew I was bleeding back there and probably raw.

"Help me undress her."

Kris instructs the midwives after they all begin to whimper seeing my ripped clothes covered in blood and the marks along my arms and hands. Snuggling my face deeper into Kris's neck, I continued sobbing in pain and clutched onto his neck like glue. I start to hear shears, and then my clothing being cut apart. The women speak in their language as they peel off the fabrics and make sympathetic noises as they assist each other.

Suki fills the tub in the background and Jo Jo and Hay Lee all run around the bathroom for different items. Kris doesn't wait for the tub to fill up, he steps right in with me still in his arms and sits down in the large thing. I cried even more. Bahm should be here with us.

A rag is felt along my back and bottom, causing me to flinch in pain, then another hand is felt dumping the warm water onto my head and gently rubbing my scalp. I cover my breast, feeling timid and also pained from pressing closely against Kris.

"Would you like me to heal what I can?" Kris speaks softly. I nod and lift my head from his neck seeing his teeth sinking into his palm. Right away I pull his hand to my mouth, sucking his hand and tasting the drops of his crimson liquid. He caresses my face and head until I was done drinking, which was less than a few seconds.

I lay back down on him, resting my head on his chest, feeling the pain in my back start to fade away. The woman continue to add a green liquid into the tub, swirling it about. It smelled like tea tree oil and they continued to run between the bathroom and Bahm's room, bringing in clothes and a small basket. My body was going through many different emotions right now, that I didn't want to be touched by anyone other than my mates.

I still couldn't believe Bahm hadn't checked on me not even once. He was too busy speaking to Cyn about a child that even I knew wasn't his. How could he even converse with her after what she did. I was horrified when she cut his privates and seeing his body drop to the ground. I thought she had killed him! He should be here with us right now!

I sobbed some more, and Kris pulls me higher onto his chest.

The Demon-Wolf Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें