Handsy King

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Hunnie 🥥🌹

After dinner was over, Giyah instructed me to follow Luisi back to my room calling it a night.

While being escorted to my room, the halls were quiet, only a few other servants and elved looking maidens walked around.

I began smelling that spicy licorice scent again. It reminded me of eating cupcakes with a delicious black cherry frosting.

I watched Luisi's slim posture walk up the yellow spiral staircase and remain walking robotically down the hall to my room. She bowed at other fellows servants with her hands intertwined at her front.

*Sniff Sniff*

I turned around as the sweet scent became so strong I could taste it on the top of my tongue. I also thought I heard someone inhaling harshly.

As soon as I turned around, a large painting of a woman wearing a kimono, shatters to the ground.

I screamed instantly when the impact crashed down on the marble floor.

"What happen?" Luisi comes up to me with her mouth covered.

"I-I don't know." My lips trembled.

I could sense a dark aura, but the scent of that sweet licorice scent, overwhelmed it completely.

"King is around." She mumbles quietly before another maid runs over an sweeps up the glass shards.

Maybe it's ghost, but what does the painting falling over have to do with The King being around?

I was a bit shaken. I might have to put up a protection barrier to ward off evil spirits.

Luisi helped the older woman dispose of the glass shards, then came to my side, nudging my lower back to continue walking.

When we got into my room, Luisi turned on two wall lamps and closed the window curtains.

She then proceeded to walk over to my closet and scans it over before turning to face me.

"Everyday you wear this," She points to the short, black, maid outfit with the traditional white laced apron in the front.

"When you have off day, you wear anything!" She exclaims in her thick accent. "Bathroom across hall, remember?" She asks and grabs a brand new toothbrush from her pocket.

I nod my head repeatedly and took the toiletries.

"In the morning, I come get you. 5 o'clock!" I nod again. "Be ready." She says and walks out of the room door.

I plop myself down on the bed and sigh. The day is over and accomplished. Now for tomorrow, when I meet the king. I hated to admit that I was petrified. I didn't want to meet him at all!

I stripped out of the skimpy uniform and laid back down on the soft mattress. Sleep over taking me, but not in a pleasant way.

I was being attacked by sleep paralysis the whole night! I couldn't even move my body nor open my eyes, but I could hear weird voices, and feel wetness on my legs, and hands slithering all over my body.

They say it demons attacking you while you sleep, coming to intrude on your dreams.


When morning came I was awoken by a slight chime that was coming from the clock on the wall.

I got up and walked over to the closet, grabbed the clothing needed to complete my uniform, and slid on the flat, silky, black shoes that were on the ground.

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