Not Now

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I close my eyes and push myself out of Kris's arms.

Hoping to get my barrier to quickly and smoothly glide up and through the air, feel my body become light as we are all whipped back up to the back of my barrier. Kris gets to his feet first and helps me up. There was no gravity in my dark ball, so the fall didn't hurt but I was anxious to hurry and get away from the castle.

A famine roar and yell, along with a short screech fills my ears as I looked around on where to go.

"Go straight Hunnie. GO!" Bahm says in our communication and I zoom my bubble farther away from the castle and towards the top of the woods to the back. Kris embraces me tightly, not enjoying the harsh winds against our face, but I've grown accustomed to it.

"Fly over the whole forest until you get to The Kingdom!"

"What does the Kingdom look like?" I reply to Bahm in the link and he yells back that I couldn't miss it. I get they were all worried and nervous, but wow did they not know how to deal with being put under pressure!

I slow down just a tad bit, looking over to Kris who only kisses my forehead and continues to look forward. Bahm informs us how Cyn had jumped out the window after we zoomed off. She wasn't far from us, but I honestly was beginning to feel sick and drained from using my bubble. Please...not now...

We hovered amongst the trees at a fast, but steady pace where the wind wasn't toppling us over. My shoulders began to ache in pain, as though I was holding something heavy like a backpack on it. Kris noticed and ask me if I was feeling alright and I shake my head yes, trying to hurry up and get to Bahm before I got sick suddenly.

"When you get to the border of their realm and inside their front gates, tell them you are here on my orders!" Bahm says in the link.

"But I haven't heard anyone in any type of chaos yet, so be careful the way you approach them....I don't want it seeming like we are attacking them."

Kris grunts in annoyance and I only grew more tired. It seems that I couldn't keep my barrier up and alive in my pregnant state.

I was too nervous and worried to mention this to the guys. All we had to do was get over to Bahm and let him out then I will be safe....right? Then I can hurl and sleep...right?


"THIS BITCH!" Bahm roars into the link. My heart races and I speed up my barrier and it slightly knocks me and Kris back a few steps from the acceleration.

"How close is she from us!" Kris lowers his hands from around me and I see his fangs coming out of his mouth. He takes a stance and looks all round the woods beneath our feet.


I pick up the speed, my body collides into Kris as I topple onto him and he falls.

"Shit bay! Are you alright!"

"Kris...I can't..."


SHE CAN'T WHAT?!!" Bahm voice comes floods the link. Questioning what was wrong with me.

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