Chapter 90. Unfit

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO LET HER OUT!" I lowered my connection to Kris so he couldn't see, nor hear any of this.

"It''s.... only to get her b-blood.. Your Highness."



Roaring fiercely. There was no way in hell Cynthia was to be let out from the dungeons! Never!

"Your Highness, with all respect!" My head snaps in the direction of the voice raising it's tone at me!

"Due to the natural law and rules of your realm, all marriage divorces requires the blood signature of both beings. You can't just come here above the law and disrespect our people like this!"

The filthy mouth of Englin, the head council member representing Vampari speaks. 

I should had known this was why the divorce was taking so fucking long!

Growing violently angry, I began walking towards Englin, ready to rip his body to shreds for interrupting my plans of marrying Hunnie before she gave birth! The babies were anxious to come out!!! AHHH fuck you mother!

"If anything happens to my mate Englin, I'm coming for you!" I snarled as the other ministers run between us to separate me from getting any closer to him. No one outside the castle had known of Hunnie's pregnancy yet. I wanted my babies to be safe.

"Y-Your Highness nothing will come of your m-mate. We only need to transport her here-"

"By her people!" Englin coughs and interrupts The Minister of Affairs. 

Growling loudly over to him, the 5 short men tried their hardest separate me from him. Standing chest level, their hands waved in the air, not daring to touch me but keeping me at bay.

I stare at Englin coldly, bearing my fangs at how he only stood calmly with his arms still around his chest. Getting me wild up on purpose!

 I could sense another kind of treason coming up. I didn't like this idea at all! 


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