Chopped Liver

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I looked up briefly to see The King. His head was turned facing Vennette still and he was lowering himself behind the bench next to me, getting on one knee with his hands folded behind him.

That same sweet smell that's been haunting me, floods my nose but I don't react like usual. Instead, I continue with my job and ignore The Demon-King's presence.

He's close.
Very close!

The thumping in my heart becomes sporadic and I start to fumble with the banner, accidentally tying one end to the wrong side.

Before I could untie them, I felt my hair tighten. I look to the corner of my eyes and see The King picking up strands of my hair, and bringing it to his nose. Like a damn creep!

My body completely shudder. Why was he doing that? -What am I suppose to do?!!

It feels all weird in the atmosphere and my chest was filled with flutters.

I turned to face him, pulling my legs that was to my side, closer to my body. He instantly drops my hair and looks at my motion. In this slutty outfit not much is left to the imagination! He should know this pretty well and I'm almost one hundred percent sure he was going try and touch me again, this isn't his first rodeo.

I could tell by the way he stared at Vannette a few moments ago, that he probably had some kind of fling with her as well.

Hell, he cupped my ass earlier so he would know how easy it is for your assets too fall out the uniform.

Was this so normal for him? To sexually harass his maids? Especially since courting week was to be held in three days!

He was so shameless!

His hungry and lustful eyes followed my legs up to the bottom of my dress. He then tilts his head, trying to get a better view of my bottom that I was hoping and praying wasn't out and exposed!

"Mmmm," He groans as he brushes his knuckles against my ankles and licks his plump lips slowly.

My head starts to ache and the air is stifling the atmosphere. My body over heating and between my legs aching.

My body began acting weird and I was sizzling by his touches, and worse, his gaze.

He was looking into my eyes as my body stood their stiff, creaming in my undergarments and my clit throbbing in pain. I was stuck in a trance. I couldn't stop the pulling anymore.

My body craved somethings. Craved those dark, wandering, lusty eyes all over me.

His look alone was making me melt!

Stuck in the trance, I didn't even realize how far his hands had wandered all over my body!

One hand was under my dress. Caressing my rear in a slow circular movement. When I can back to my senses, I reached to my sides to push his hands out from underneath me, but he smirks. —I wasn't sure what to do!

I looked away from him, shamelessly. I felt like I was being backed in a corner. I brought my hands up to my chest and shielded whatever was left of me that he was about to take right here.

The more I thought about it like that, the more my body kept rejecting those thoughts and was telling me to just do it!

Open up!
Don't fight back!

He removes his hands and I turn to look at him. He bring his other hands from behind him and palms my face. My stomach drops and I feel so warm all around. I hesitate to lean into his touch and he exhales through his nose.

His hand felt so right on me. It always did. I just couldn't admit that to myself. He was getting married for heavens sake.

I didn't want to get in trouble either, but I also didn't really want to fight back the urge anymore. -But I must! He's a King!

The King.

He traces his thumb along my bottom lips with his tongue slightly out of his mouth. Then he stands up abruptly and I get a fully exciting and shocking view of his erection and I can't take my eyes off of it! Is that why they says he's a Demon?



I felt my mate's jealousy earlier when she thought I was staring at Vennette in a forward way. Aldrerix chuckled at our mates innocence. I was making sure Vennette wasn't looking our way before I made another move on my mate.

Hunnie getting jealous like that kept creeping back into her thoughts and it made me want her even more! She only seen me today and already felt a connection with me!! One she was oblivious by!

I had many, many abilities that I was cursed, yet blessed with. One of them being Mind Infiltration. I could enter into any beings consciousness and hear glimpse of their conversations within themselves. Sometimes I can even make them hear and feel things!

Leaving The War Room, I ran into Nyku, who needed me to go try on some outfits for this upcoming party introducing courting few week. I'm suppose to bond and mingle with Cyn, but we already know each other very well. She just wants to go through this the old fashion way, and to please The Kingdom of Ghabaàr.

To my people, she was the best fit and merciless match out here to become the next queen. They don't know how much of a spoiled brat she is. She is a jealous vampire and never thinks about her actions!

Trying on a few different pieces of silk and linen works, Nyku's picks the best one for me and I retire under a nice hot shower. Hunnie's scent was still stuck to my nose and I could feel my demons becoming naughty again. Especially my wolf-demon Aldrerix. We all wanted to see her again. Touch her again. Taste her!

They began clawing at my skin to let them lose. I was trying my hardest to push them back to just a simple thought, but they were not quiting. Fighting against me consistently.

I gave in to one urge.
And that urge was to release myself!

The hot shower water felt amazing falling down on my head and back. It made me feel even more lewd and I began closing my eyes, —picturing Hunnie's mouth wrapped around my sheath and licking at my slit.

Uhhhh!! It sent shivers down my spine. I was losing control again. I decided to come out of the shower and sleep. That's what I needed, was to just sleep.

My demons were running on empty and was begging for some rest, so they were trying to steer things. I haven't slept yet since yesterday morning and that was only for a few hours until I brought Hunnie to the castle.

Throwing myself onto my vibrating water bed, naked and still partially damp, I close my eyes and listened in on my mate.

She was cleaning one of the guest rooms on the second floor of the castle. That's where they will hold Cynthia's servants and guards, on the 2nd floor. She will be there too in a larger boudoir.

I let myself drift off to sleep from the humming of a sweet melody leaving Hunnie's throat. I loved music, and hearing it come out in any form from my soulmate, made me feel blessed. I hope to sing to her one day!

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