Oh Gosh!

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Hunnie 🤦🏻‍♀️

"So let's go over this again." I said for the third time.

"A lady named Giyah will meet us by the castle and bring me to my room right?"

"Yes." He says flatly.

"Then I will meet the staff after I get settled in and probably eat dinner then meet the King tomorrow?"


"Then I just take orders from her every morning in the main hall right?"

"Mhm." Came his emotionless response again.

He's been acting weird since he got back. Like giving me one world answers and not really being talkative much. He was fine before he left. Now he seemed like he was hiding something from me.

I was so nervous I could vomit. I needed a play by play about all of this. The reality was crashing down on me hard as soon as we started walking deeper into the jungle and away from the shore.

"Hunnie Inzotta, The disobedient Light Witch, was going to be a maid in a Demon's Castle." I was petrified every time the thought came across my mind.

Aldrerix would try to soothe me and remind me that he looks like a man and not some ugly troll that the humans had talked about and for me to stop being nervous because the king will smell it.

I became even more shaken by him saying that. I heard him try to correct himself, but I totally understood that he meant The Demon King could sense when people feared him.

Oh gosh! ...Now I really had to try and suppress my nervousness around him. I wouldn't want to upset him or be disrespectful.

We were walking through the quiet and stilled, thick jungle. I was following behind Aldrerix, who hadn't even taken a glimpse at me. His body was moving very slowly and cautiously as he walked ahead of me.

"Ouch" I say out loud.

My finger was struck by a thorned vine running along a tree we were passing. I sucked on my finger immediately and put pressure on it.

Aldrerix's body tensed up and came to a hault. He brought his head over his shoulder, but still not looking at me and he communicated with me through our mind-link.

"Would you like me to carry you. Y-Your dress is too beautiful to get dirty." His deep and husky voice made my heart flutter.

I loved all the compliments he gave me, secretly. I always tried to hide my emotions around him because he was a beast and I was a woman. I was feeling like I wanted more from him. Especially because, he was taking me out of the wild and I would actually be sleeping in a bed after all these months!

"Uhm...sure." I raised my eyebrows and glanced at his back.

"Could he even hold my weight!" I thought to my self and Aldrerix came walking towards me, licking at my fingertips where I got cut. It healed instantly. Well, I couldn't feel the sting anymore and it still had a tinge of red from the blood smeared on it.

"I can hold a lot more than you Hunnie. Let's go." He says as a soft demand.

His tone always brought shivers down my back, but I obeyed submissively. Every. Single. Time.

He lowered himself completely to the ground and I grasped his neck and threw my legs over. My dress came up a bit passed my derrière and I could feel his silky fur rubbing against the inside of my thighs and backside. I instantly started to become aroused.

It took me by surprise and I tried not adjusting myself too much, in fear my liquids might rub off through this sheer fabric and on his fur.

"Stop it! You... naughty woman!" I heard him say painfully through his teeth.

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