Die Already!

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Hunnie stands from the sofa with her fist clenched and small beads of sweat on her nose. "You did! Now, who's here!" She raises her voice in our link, her face red and angry.

Wait...in our link?

When did she....

How could...how could she hear us and reply in our link! It's only ours!

Kris had a mortified look on his face. The same look when he saw her eyes were the same color as mine!

I stood there frozen as Kris did as well. We both stared at each other in horror, then back to her.

"How...can she...?" Kris questions in our link.

"Uhhhh" Stuttering out loud, I was lost for words my damn self, but I needed to hurry and leave before the unrested guest makes a sudden appearance. I could already hear her groaning and smell her cancer.

I continued to stare at Hunnie. Looking for the right words to come out, but still completely shocked she communicated in the link belonging to Kris and I. How long has she been like this?

"Who's here Bahm?" Her fist unclenches as she speaks out loud. Her tone becomes softer, filled with worry as her beautiful and majestic eyes pierces into my dark soul.

"Someone I have to meet right away." I blurted, walking up to her to cup her perfectly round face and kiss her quivering lips. I turn to face Kris behind us who still had his eyebrows high in shock. "Kris I must go now. I'll be back shortly."

Kris finally blinks, asking Hunnie how long she could hear us. She doesn't answer and instead grabs onto my sleeve. She was concerned about me leaving, maybe thinking Anna had returned.

I grab her hands that felt much more warm than usual, and pecked her knuckles. "I'll be right back. I promise."

"But...I...." She looks away from me and her heart starts to beat irregularly. Then all of a sudden, she projectile vomits to her side! My eyes go wide, why is this happening now!

Kris rushes over to our side. I hold her up by her arm as she continues to upchuck our lunch.

I was becoming nervous. Time was ticking and the woman was getting closer. I didn't know what to expect from her.

"Kris I really have to go. She's getting closer!" They both look at me, questioning who, but they didn't this know this old hag. For I once banned her from my Kingdom centuries ago, so if she's lingering near by, then she's come to cause trouble.

"I know you smell already, you beast! Make your way here NOW!" The voice of the unwanted guest pings in my ear. "I'll be back. It'll be quick!" I only say and teleport, leaving them there briefly.

"Bahm! How can you just leave like this! Who the hell is here that's more important than your mate!!" Kris comes into the link, but I had no choice but to ignore him.

These are important matters and it could become deadly like last time she wondered back in.

Arriving just outside the skirts of our border, behind my castle in the forest, I come up a few yards away from her. The smell of her unhealthy body rotting away flooded my nose.

"What do you want Sylest! Come to die finally?" I gritted my teeth and prepared myself for any dark magic she may throw at me.

She pauses her walking and looks up with a smile on her face. Her walking stick gripped tightly in her fragile hands and her long, raggedy skirt filled with holes.

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