Castle of Ghabaár

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Hunnie ✨✨

Giyah brought me on a short tour around the outside of the castle after we introduced ourselves. I was in awe!

After Aldrerix left us, we entered through a small gate against a dark mahogany stone wall. On the outside of the walls was all jungle.

No wonder the humans in the village called this side of the jungle, 'The Forbidden Forest'.

The castle itself, was five stories high and layered with many red and black shingles. The castle was an H shape, with one half of castle being red, while the other side was gold.

Lavish, pearly white windows, in all different shapes and sizes were scattered throughout the luxurious architect, accommodating its height perfectly.

Black and green vines were seen creeping along each corner and crooks of the two-toned castle, catching my eyes.

When we arrived to the front, the yard had many, many acres of land. Holding an all black lap pool, plenty of extravagant looking cars, and another lap pool a few yards away. With a beautiful open bar lit with torches right next to the pool-house.


When I let my eyes wander around, I wanted to keep exploring, as there was already so many things to do in the front of the castle alone, but Giyah grabs my hands ever so softly.

"This way love. After you get changed we will give you a better tour." She smiled so brightly, allowing me to open up a little more at the hospitality.

We entered through the light pink timber door that was held open by two gentlemen wearing suits and swords to their side.

I followed her closely into what looked to be the main hall. Many people were going in and out of this room. We passed groups of other maids in little school girl uniforms, that glared at me from head-to-toe.

I hope I wasn't going to be in one of those outfits, because I had too much plump in my body to hide behind a short skirt and a tight buttoned up shirt!!!

The main hall had pink walls with white swirly patterns through out the whole room. The smell of licorice and oreos filled my nostrils pleasantly.

"Mmmm," it was so welcoming.

The inside was ridiculously more beautiful than outside. I felt like I was inside a museum.

Soft white lights lined the creamy colored walls as we made our way up a flight of yellow stairs. So appealing.

The halls were very basic and clean. Not one picture on the walls, only a few talismans that I recognized and a few scriptures in a language I couldn't recognize.

The hairs on my arms started to rise again like I was being watched, and I looked behind me pass the three maids and Giyah to see no one.

Who was I looking for anyways?!

We stopped at a shiny, golden double door that had a red long handle on it. My eyes were fascinated. The place looked like a deliciously sweet heaven!

A demon COULDN'T have lived here. Everything was too classy!


We entered the room behind the gold doors and my eyes burnt at how bright the room was. It was lit by the sunshine that came in through the huge circular window. I could finally see the dirt under my fingernails.

In the middle of this room sat a round, black stoned tub that sat in a groove of silvery, onyx stones.

The maids began taking my traveling bag off my shoulders. They bowed constantly to assure me that everything was fine. Then they communicated with Giyah in their native tongues and started stripping their tops and skirts off.

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