Chapter 50. Remorse

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Hunnie Inzotta

My nose twitches and I  sniff the air, smelling a faint smell of The King from behind me. Which I automatically knew was Kris sleeping, but then his scent was much more stronger from underneath me.

The King must be asleep in his chambers below us.

My feet began moving on its own, taking me down a few flights of stairs. My stomach consuming the acid from hunger. My body shivering down each step as the halls were very cold tonight. I had no idea why I was even pursuing my hunger and not waiting til morning.

I could still hear the small croaks in my head sobbing away.

That couldn't of been Bahm....

The Demon-Wolf King that murdered his children, doesn't cry!

The beast that forced me to drink wolfsbane, would never cry!

The being that convinced me he was my mate and wanted to be with me, yet broke me into very tiny pieces of shattered glass, would never shed a tear for a Dark Witch like me. Maybe reality has hit him, or maybe his bride wouldn't bed him anymore....

Or maybe, my ears and mind just wanted to hear some sympathy coming out from him. Sympathy towards everything he has done to me. From the time he lied about marking me, to the time he chocked me out until I passed out!

I must've gotten off on the wrong floor. Maybe I went down the wrong set of staircases, things looked a bit different at night. With what I thought was the first floor, I walked passed the hall that resembled The King's corridor, trying to avoid him, and entered into a much more modern hall!

This hall was brightly lit and much more warmer on this side.

White columns stood on both sides of the hall, red ceiling fans lining the tall ceiling above me, and a small fountain in the middle. A few closed doors to my side and even a shrine off to the corner. I've never been to this side of the castle before.

As I continued to walk through, the hall merged into a large, spacious parlor, with tanned leather sofas on each side of the room and a triangular glass table in the middle.

My eyes scanned the area and I see a stove a few feet away, leading into a dimly lit area. It was pretty dark over in that area, but it looked like a kitchen could be over there. My hungry legs walks towards the room in search of a fridge. I was starving and dinner was pretty light today.

As soon as I walked under the walkway, the smell of liquor hits my nose immediately, making me scrunch my face in disgust. I looked around and saw a long dining table, half the size of the one from the main dining room, filled with more than twenty bottle all scrambled about. Blending in with the darkness, with parts of the moonlight hitting some of the bottles.

I held my growling stomach and was  surprised no one had cleaned this mess up yet. As I was very tempted to throw each and every bottle into the garbage can.

Scanning over the room again, I didn't even recognize how strongly the scent of my mates was in here. How did I even miss it.

Fuck! Is he nearby!

I looked all around the dark room, focusing on looking for his tall, husky frame approaching, but I didn't see, nor hear anyone.

There was indeed a large, silvery, doubled door fridge, off to the corner. My profound body trots it's way to the destination until I began hearing something...

I hear The Kings voice mutter something in my head and I stopped walking immediately, turning and twisting my head in every direction.

I sniffed the air again and turned to see my mate sitting at the end of the table with his head hanging lowly. It was dark at that end, but I could make out his cheeks and nose.

His chin was touching his neck, as his head weaves and bobs all over the place. He looked like he was fighting his sleep. His face wet and swollen and his eyes closed. I wasn't sure what to do, just standing still with my eyes trained on him.

What if he smells my scent and wakes up in a drunken stagger and assaults me! My heart felt like it was giving out, and my bladder was on the verge of releasing itself.

Tip-toeing my way back passed the table, away from the fridge and towards the walk way, The Kings head comes crashing down onto the table with a loud  thud. His forehead making contact first against the wooden frame. 

It startled me. My bladder about to release any moment now as it began stinging to hold it in any longer.

I cover my mouth, getting ready to run when he only sits there. My wide and fresh eyes waiting for his sudden movements to come and strike me down, but he reacts late and lifts his head, rubbing it in pain. I stand still, a remorseful feeling flooding my body, but not coming from me...

A few groans leaving his mouth as he stops rubbing his  head, but then his forehead comes crashing back down onto the table. I had a sudden urge to ask him if he was ok and to take some steps his way, but I cover my mouth to stop the unexpected laughter. I think The King is beyond drunk right now.

Seeing how many bottles were on the table, and the fact he can't even tell I was here, brought me relief. I didn't even know a Demon-Wolf like him could even get drunk. It made much sense to see over twenty bottles lined on the table.

A lost sob leaves his mouth this time. Sending the hairs on my arms to raise and a stabbing in my chest. It shook me to hear a noise like that leaving his mouth. After all he's done, I didn't feel sorry for him.

Suddenly, I found my heavy feet walking over to him with my arms stretched out like an idiot. What did I think I was going to do!!!!

Comfort this man?

Rub his forhead?!!!

I snatched my hand back to my side instantly and only realized how close I had gotten to the table. Backing up, I bend my knees to get a view of his face that was hanging off the edge of the table. Rolling around in his daze.

He turns his head the other way, facing me and it frightened me dearly!

He was looking right at me!

I gasped and inched my way backwards. He lifts his head up and says something totally inaudible to my ears. I didn't bother trying to understand as I ran as fast as I could out the room.

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