Sweet Dreams

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"Your highness!"

I woke up in a snore on my hands and knees. I shook the heavy exhaustion from my eyes and looked up to Leolo. My personal body guard.

"What's going on. What are you doing down here?" He looks at me frantically and I don't even remember how I even got home

last I remembered, I was using my magic to burn Sylest to a pulp, hoping she'd never be reborn again. Then Hunnie's high fever flooded my nose and I remember collapsing in the woods and Aldrerix pushing to help me, now I'm awake here?

"You all were sleeping when I arrived to the castle!" He grabs my arms and pull me up. My eyes scanning over to my bed, where I scented Hunnie and Kris sleeping.

Hunnie seemed to still have a fever. I quickly mind linked Mirah to get ready to be teleported over and to grab her things that she needed to come with. I felt much more energy than earlier. I couldn't even teleport I remember, hell I barely had energy to reply to Kris in our link. Every time I tried, it felt as though more and more energy was being pulled from me.

I go to walk to the bed with wobbly legs, giving Mirah more time as it seems all my energy hasn't fully returned to me. I checked on the two still asleep, it seemed to of been a few hours after I slayed Sylest as the scent of her smoking body and blood on the tree indicted so to my nose.

I become worried. Why are they still asleep right now. We were fine until Hunnie threw up and got sick!

"Kris!" I link over to him in his sleepy state and he shifts under the covers.

Hunnie's hot body shits from his movement as well, unwrapping her arms from around him and revealing how sweaty she'd been. Her curly hair clinging onto her face with much moisture surrounding her face. I sit on the bed next to her and touch her face. Its hard for me to tell when someone has a fever since my body was naturally hot. I could only sense how high her blood pressure was . Even her heart was beating extremely fast.

I go to touch the body of Kris, seeing if he too had a fever, but he was several degrees lower than hers. Pulling back the covers, I scoop Hunnie into my arms. My mate was sick. She smelled different.

She smelled like...

Almost similar to...

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