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After coming out of the bathroom mortified, the guys and I all made our way to eat breakfast. Fried, seasoned fish, sticky rice and some spicy sauce that I couldn't wait to eat. With my mouth watering Bahm takes his seat first, holding his arms out for me to come to him.

With him talking away to Kris in my link, I take my seat on his lap. Bahm sniffs my the side of my neck and runs his hands all over my thighs. I look over to him and he kisses my jawline. We indulged in our feast, the guys snickering at the noises I was making towards the spicy sauce. I really couldn't stop eating it. No matter how much it burned. I was also eating quickly to ease the sudden headache that throbbed.

It seemed as though Bahm was still pretty tired as well. He kept resting his head on my shoulder as I ate. Taking breaks after bringing his sticky rice and fish to his own mouth. I silently rested my head onto his as well, showing the slightest bit of affection.

After eating the delicious breakfast, I was starting to feel pain in my lower stomach and chest making me nauseous. It almost brought me to tears the discomfort. The guys became worried, offering to get me some herbs or human medicines, but I kindly declined. I felt fine after a while.

They thought something was bothering me for sure with my quietness, but I was only enjoying listening to them talk about me right in front of my face. I've never realized how perverted The Demon-Wolf King Bahm was. Seemed like he had a very big appetite. I was most definitely taking advantage of this new and profound ability I had received. Listening o their desires, but also hearing them play the guessing game about me, only for me to do the opposite, proving them wrong.

I was also beginning to warm up to Bahm truthfully. As I felt I didn't have a choice anyways since he couldn't seem to stay away from me and wanted me by his side. I didn't mind the comfort, at least one of us was willing to make a move. I also really loved how caring and soft he became when it came to how I was feeling. He was very cautious around me, learning as much as he could.

Then seeing that small mark on Bahm's neck gave me goosebumps every time he would turn his head. My small bite, the only mark on his body for the eyes to see. The force to mate with him had been so strong last night. I could feel our bond had strengthened and I wasn't quite sure I would be able to stay entirely mad at him forever, for he still took my children away from me and I would never understand how anyone could take their own flesh and bloods life away.

Still, I was very understanding of the circumstances, but a never ending ache would always penetrate my heart repeatedly every time I thought about my unborn fetuses. It was actually weighing heavily on my heart today. The fact my motherhood was taken away from me...The reality of marking Bahm as my forever soul mate, it was a fight in my heart. I was hoping Bahm hadn't been paying attention to my thoughts or else he'd see this and I didn't want to upset us both, I could sense his forgiveness and I'm sure he could sense the noticeable awkwardness in the air. I did my hardest to show no indications of my weary feelings, forcing myself to act like a normal and mated mate.

After eating a light lunch, a tomato, mozzarella cheese and basil salad, we made our way to the lounge room. I wasn't going to tell them how nauseous I felt after eating that meal. Shooting them smiles and shy giggles, I followed along closely to Bahm down the halls, but held onto Kris's hand all the while. Sharing my love with my two mates.

"She seems very different today, I'm sure you've noticed." Kris says chewing on a beef jerky stick and fumbling behind the television to the front of the room when we arrived.

"Maybe she needs to get out. She does seem like her blood pressure is a bit high, and her mind is very occupied...I can tell." I heard Bahm reply to Kris. I guess he heard something as they continued to read and examine my demeanor.



"Let's bring her outside, back to the Koi pond now that she'd be able to see." I mind linked Kris.

We came to the lounge are after eating lunch, something light and not spicy since Hunnie was in pain from breakfast earlier. I figured she was very overwhelmed about last night, but it was hard to read her. She's been abnormally submissive towards me and I didn't want to go against her word and read her thoughts again. As long as she was comfortable I didn't care how she made the atmosphere feel.  I was honestly too exhausted to figure it out.

"She's in pain, that's what it is!" Kris blurts in our communication link. Trying to determine and diagnose our hard to read mate.

I look over to Hunnie taking a seat on the sofa behind Kris, reading her body for any signs of pain, besides the one coming from her womanhood.

We've been wondering what it could be that has her quiet and weird. She seems like a whole different person. Was the bond that strong?

"Give her your blood. Heal her...she's obviously in pain somewhere again."

"We already tried that Kris when she was in pain. She doesn't want to consume blood. She could be overwhelmed from consuming my magic...my energy."

He sighs out loud. Showing his frustration as he could feel the awkwardness lingering off of Hunnie's aura.

She gets up from the couch and sits at the far end and on the side of Kris. He was beginning to play his video game and she came and patted his head. Sending an electrical lewd spark through our bodies. The way he takes his headset off and they lean in to a kiss, drove me mad. Hunnie drove us both mad.

He pulls her onto his lap and she wraps her arms around his neck as he continued to play, snuggling her face into his neck.

"I've missed you baby. Why have you been so far away today?" He mumbles and fidgets away on his game controller while watching the tv. Lifting her head from his shoulder she says, "I haven't been far. I've been here." Then ever so boldly, she kisses his jaw. Surprising us both.

I stayed back in the kitchen of the room, still snacking on anything I could. A tremendous appetite taking over my body. Pickles, cheese, bread. I was starving.

Ever since receiving Hunnie's mark, I noticed my energy had drained drastically. I felt it the most after coming inside of her, but I'm sure it was Hunnie only taking a piece of me with her. I should level out after.

My nose twitches in the air, sensing a smell it shouldn't be. Then my ears twitches from picking up the familiar voice of the scent.

Kris feels my immediate shift, patting Hunnie off his lap and setting his headset on the ground. Hunnie goes to sit back on the sofa, her eyes following Kris as he had gotten up so suddenly.

"She fùcking wants to die!" I clench my jaw and begin to put the food in the fridge away, ready for my departure.

"Do you have to leave.?" Kris asked and as soon as he does, I hear Hunnie's heart racing tremendously. We both look over to her, and she's staring at us both. I felt bad for leaving, but I have matters to attend.

"Yes I do. Just tell her I have to speak with my mom." I link Kris while washing my hands.

"Who's here?" I hear Hunnie's voice in our link. Kris shrieks the loudest I've ever heard him and even jumps away from the kitchen island.

"You idiot. What are you—"

"Bro! I thought I heard her voice in here. Shit scared-"

"You did! Now who's here!" Hunnie yells in our link and stands up from the couch. Her fist balled to her side, eyes wide, body shaking and her brows furrowed.

Kris stands there staring at me and then back to her. His mouth hung opened and his eyes wide while I just shook my head and grinned.

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