Even More Magical

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I'm very curious when Mila is going to call Jo the title I know she's wanted to call her for a while now. In Mila's eyes, she'll always be Princess Jo but she's become the role Mila has been without since Sara passed just after her first birthday. And with the glance she gave me after I handed their hot chocolates over, I knew she was ready. Ready to call Jo my counterpart. Mummy.

I knew this day would eventually come. Even before I met Jo. Somewhere deep down I always knew that she'd have someone to call mummy. I just knew. Even if I did always say love would have to come and find me. Whether it was a sign from Sara herself in my subconscious, somehow, I just knew. And I can't think of anyone more deserving or perfect than Jo for that title. She's everything and more a mother should be. And everything and more I've always wanted for my daughter. Both of us are so unbelievably lucky that Jo wrote to me all those months ago.

I always thought I'd be conflicted. Torn about Mila calling someone other than Sara her mummy. But I'm not. Far from it, in fact. I feel completely calm and happy that Mila wants to call Jo mummy. I don't and haven't felt anything else since Mila silently told me that she was ready in the park. I just hope it doesn't spook Jo. Because if I know my daughter, there'll be no warning and she'll just say it when she wants to. She took Mila calling her Princess Jo so well despite her continually telling her early on to call her just Jo. She's been incredible from day one, with everything. I just hope she takes her calling her mummy equally as well. If it needs a conversation, so be it. But that's what she is to Mila now.

Pacing into the kitchen, I hear footsteps begin to descend the stairs in the hallway. I knew it wouldn't take long for Jo to put Mila to bed. I'm surprised she didn't fall asleep on the walk home. She was on the verge a few times but her staying up makes me think she'll want to call Jo mummy tonight. Or perhaps she'll save it for tomorrow. As a Christmas present. A big Christmas present. It'll make our first, proper family Christmas even more magical.

Heading over to the kettle, I place it under the running tap and begin to fill it just enough for two mugs. Deciding to make two cups of tea for when we fill under the tree, just as I flick the switch down, I hear Jo's footsteps move into the kitchen through the archway.

"Tea, love?" I look over my shoulder and see her slowly walking towards the counter. Her arms are wrapped around herself and her face looks unsure. Uncertainty is written all over her expression. She doesn't say anything other than nod yes as she sits down. Underneath the uncertainty, I can tell she's thinking about something deeply. The cogs are turning, her thoughts running wild.

In silence, I prepare our mugs and drop in the two tea bags ready to make the teas. Jo's not said a word since she sat down at the counter. I have a feeling I know why she's being quiet but I'm not one-hundred per cent sure whether I'm right. She's never usually this quiet. Never. It's the quietest I've ever heard her.

Looking over my shoulder, waiting for the kettle to boil, I see she's staring directly in front of her, down to the counter. Her mind is definitely working overtime and a part of me is getting worried. She looks startled.

"Jo, are you -"

"She called me mummy, Hero," her gaze lifts up to meet mine and her eyes quickly glaze over with unshed tears and her bottom lip trembles. Quickly, I pace around the counter, forgetting about our teas momentarily and go to stand beside her. This has massively caught her off guard, that part is clear...

"Do you know why she called you that, Jo?" Her tear-filled blues lift up to me and I can't help but reach out to touch her, in some way. My hand comes to cup her cheek and my thumb strokes gently against her soft skin. Again, she doesn't say anything, she just continues to gaze at me. If only I could put into words what I feel for her.

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