Splashing Out

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Pushing the laptop away and into the corner, Hero puts Mila down before telling her to go to the couch. Smiling, she wanders over and switches the TV on as Hero comes to stand in front of me, smiling down at me. At least he's dressed, him coming in just wearing his boxers as he did last time he was here probably would have shocked my family even more than they already are. Reaching down he places a kiss on my lips as I lift up to meet him.

"Good morning, love. Sorry we crashed your FaceTime," his hand rests on my cheek and instinctively, I find myself leaning into his touch. He's... so different. He looks like the weight of the world isn't on his shoulders anymore. Like there are no burdens for him to carry. Like he's as light as a feather. Although, after that last night, I'm feeling very similar.

One thing that sticks out to me in his good morning is the word he's used, love. He's never called me that before but it's so quintessentially British and just rolls off his tongue. I can't help but like the sound of it. Especially from him.

"Good morning to you, too. Do you want some tea?" Stepping closer to me, he swiftly looks at Mila who's expertly navigating my TV before looking back at me.

"She told me you spoke to her. About last night," I begin to nod yes.

"Yeah, she asked me if we spoke. I told her everything was fine and not to give it a second thought," smiling softly, he dips his head down and joins our lips again.

"Thank you. You go and snuggle with her, I'll make us some tea," nodding, he helps me stand from the stool before placing a kiss on my temple as I round the counter and head to the couch. Mila's eyes watch me as I sit beside her and turn my back to the arm. Without me saying anything, she crawls between my legs and lies her back on my chest.

"This is comfy," her head shakes from side to side gently as she snuggles down against me. My arms wrap around her waist, holding her in place.

"I think so too, sweet pea."

Hero brings over our cups of tea and places them on the coffee table but he surprises me by sitting on the floor in front of me with his back against the sofa. My arm reaches down to him and he laces his fingers in mine, kissing the back.

"We'll have these and then we'll go out for breakfast. How does that sound?" Hero looks over his shoulder at us both, but Mila's eyes remain on the cartoon she's put on while I begin to nod.

"There's a little pancake house not far from here. Maybe ten minutes walk away. How does that sound?" Hero begins to nod as does Mila against my chest, I nod and resettle into the couch.

"Pancakes it is then. My treat," he doesn't even argue with me this time, he just squeezes my hand again, reassuringly and accepting my offer.

I know this is how it'll be from now on. Their unexpected arrival speaks volumes and everything that followed proved to me they need me in their lives just as much as I need them. We're a package deal, the three of us now. That's how it is. How it's meant to be.


Walking out of Rush Green, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing it's the team's last training session until pre-match work after Christmas for our game on the 28th. It's handy really, I get to spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day with my girls and I really wouldn't have it any other way.

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