Inspired By Them

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23rd July

Slowly, my eyes begin to open. Blinking into focus as the bright sunlight streams in from beside me. It's going to be another hot one. Just how I like it. And thank God too; today is the last day of term at school. The final day of yet another school year. Somehow, another nine months seem to have passed in the blink of an eye. But in another sense, it seems like time has moved so slowly. Much slower than it should have. Nine months with my class has passed and it's time for them to move on.

Rolling over, I tap the screen on my phone to see it's ten to seven. About five minutes before my alarm is due to go off. Unlocking my phone, I turn the alarm off, having already woken up and sit up slowly, stretching my arms above my head to wake the top half of my body up. A yawn falls from me as I sigh, sleepily. I whip the duvet off me, swing my legs around and stand to my feet. Before stepping out of my bedroom, I pull the duvet back into place, re-fluff my pillow and head down the corridor towards the kitchen, needing breakfast and coffee.

There's always a certain buzz within me whenever I reach the end of another semester. But none more so than when we reach the end of summer. Perhaps it's the Australian in me wanting to enjoy the sun - which in comparison to Perth, is very rare in London. So whenever it's out, like it has been during this heatwave, I do my best to enjoy it. Reaching the end of the summer semester means a lovely six weeks off from school. A six week, fully paid break where I can do what I want and when I please. Although technically, I do have to start prepping everything for September but there's plenty of time for that. And I can do it from home as I don't have to go into school until the new school year starts. I fully intend on putting my feet up, going to the park and enjoying the sun while it's here to stay.

Walking into the kitchen, I take hold of the kettle and begin to fill it up with water. Flicking the switch down so the water boils, I pull out the toaster to the edge of the counter and drop in two slices of bread. I'm simple when it comes to breakfast. Buttered toast and coffee sets me up for my day and puts me on until lunchtime. The coffee, which I take nice and strong with just a drop of milk and two sweeteners will only add to my buzz today. I'm excited, slightly sad because I love my class but I've got nothing planned other than to have fun and watch movies. What else is there to do on the last day?

After buttering my toast and mixing my coffee, I do what I always do and stand against the counter beside the breakfast bar and eat my breakfast. My apartment is just enough for me. It's only a two-bedroom apartment in Alameda Place, with an open plan kitchen living area with a corridor at the far side of the living area leading to my bedroom, the guest bedroom which is seldom used and the main bathroom. It's enough for me and I love it here. It's only a hop, skip and a jump away from the school I teach at and is good on rent too, leaving me with enough disposable income to still have a social life, sort of. I have my colleagues, my best friend Mia and my family but they returned to Perth after my dad's contract with the National Health Service came to an end. I wanted to study here so I stayed and still, I'm here. I don't know if or when I'll return to Perth, I love London too much to leave.

As I take the last bite of my toast and have the last sip of my coffee, I place both the plate and mug into the dishwasher and make a mental note to run a wash after dinner tonight. Taking myself back into my bedroom, I head straight for the wardrobe and open the wooden door. The creek giving away its age. I scan through my collection of clothes, looking for a specific baby blue, floral summer dress and my white pumps. Both of which I reserve for hot, summer days like today. They remind me of days back home although they'd be a lot more frequent and consistent in Australia. Undressing out of the oversized T-shirt I reserve for sleeping in, I slip the dress over my head and slide on the pumps.

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