A Nice Surprise

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Days have seemed to blur by. Somehow it's already Wednesday evening and I'm sitting on my couch, marking the science work I did with my class yesterday. I only managed to mark half of their books yesterday evening because it was match day. I even started early but seemingly, my students really got into writing about their favourite types of habitats and what creatures live there. I was pleasantly surprised to see some had even drawn the creatures too. It's nice to see them going above and beyond already, so early in the year.

I've spoken to Hero every day since I left on Sunday around midday. He was due at training and his mum was looking after Mila. I was thankful both of us agreed it was a bit early for a cross over. We definitely need more time when it comes to that and meeting families. But it will - I think. He even found time to speak to me at halftime when it was 0-0 but somehow, his team pulled it out of the bag in the 87th minute with Hero's friend, Jack scoring a blinder of a winner. It was a volley and a fucking good one. The Southampton keeper punched the ball away from another shot and Jack just took his chances and it happened to go in. Even he looked surprised but it secured us our three points. We're off to a belting start, Hero was more than happy. I only had to read his texts to get that. Although the video of the team bus and the players chanting didn't go amiss either.

Just as I'm writing a well done note in one of my student's books, my MacBook begins to sound the FaceTime call tune and I smile, seeing the three initials attached to the call. Smiling, I lean onto the coffee table and accept the call, pushing back to the couch.


"Hi, this is a nice surprise," Hero's eyes lift away from the camera before he nods, smiling. Even from here, I can hear Mila scurrying around to Hero so she can join the call.

"Princess Jo!" She climbs onto the stool beside Hero, leaning her head against her hand with her elbow on the counter.

"Hi, sweet pea. How are you?"

"We're good, aren't we darling? Someone wanted to say hi, you look busy though. We can call another time if that's better?" I shake my head no, seeing Mila's annoyed eyes lift to her dad as she frowns.

"Daddy, I wanted to see Princess Jo now!"

"Hero, it's fine. I'm nearly done marking my classes work," I hold up one of the books for them to see and Mila settles again.

"Can you mark my work, Princess Jo? Please!" I smile as Hero begins to shake his head. Constantly he looks mind-blown by her which really isn't a surprise. She's a little whirlwind that knows how to keep her dad on his toes.

"Ohh, that depends on what it is. What subject is it?"

"It's maths," I smile. Finishing off writing my well done message in my student's book. I've only got two to go so I can entertain her and finish marking.

"I'm going to get it," she runs away from the screen and Hero watches her go, shaking his head.

"I've never seen anyone so excited about maths," he laughs, making me laugh in turn. His eyes remain cast to the side as he watches her head upstairs.

"Honestly, all evening it's been Princess Jo this, Princess Jo that. I'm so sorry, I had a feeling you were busy because you were so quiet over text," smiling, I nod telling him I was rather preoccupied last night watching a certain someone on TV. He smiles, his tongue peeking out over his bottom lip before his teeth bite over his lip, pulling back until they go back in place. Fucking hell... A surge of heat shoots straight down between the apex of my thighs, causing me to press them together to alleviate some pressure.

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