Your Smile Says It All

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Sunday Evening

Saturday seemed to pass in a matter of minutes. One minute I was holed up hiding in a very compromising cupboard with Jo, the next we were all tucking into our Chinese takeaway before settling down on the couch together to watch TV. It felt like a full family weekend. Like how it would feel if I make the next move and ask Jo to pursue more with me as my girlfriend. I hate the cliché titles that come with officiating a relationship. I have done since I was a teenager. Jo and I may only be in our early to mid-twenties but I certainly feel way too old to be called someone's boyfriend.

I'm so glad I invited her here. She's spent two nights with me and they've passed by in a blur and now we've enjoyed dinner, it's time for her to go home and get ready for the week ahead. As I'm playing on Thursday at home, it means I get the following weekend off too which will be nice. Because I plan on inviting her back here again for another two nights. I now know, fully, that everything I want with her is possible. She feels the same as me. No words are needed to clarify this, the way she kissed me said it all. How I could tell she lost herself in me just as much as I did her.

Since I took the plunge on Friday night and kissed her for the first time it's like pieces of a puzzle have been falling into place with everything we've done. How we danced together to a rather fitting song in the kitchen before Mila joined us, our walk in the forest behind the house, her catching Mila so effortlessly as she launched herself into the air from her climbing frame - despite how many times I've told her not to. Just everything about this weekend has really shown me what's possible when it comes to me and her. Don't get me wrong, a very small dose of guilt is still there but I'm not letting that hinder mine or Mila's happiness when it comes to Jo.

I'd go as far as to say the highlight of the weekend was Mila's idea of hide and seek. Who knew I'd been playing it wrong for so long? I'd say stuffing me and Jo into the unused cupboard in the hall wasn't a bright idea at first but I made it one, needing to feel her again. Her body just gives into mine which spurs me on when I'm with her, massively.

I lose myself with her and it's so much easier than I remember it to be. I know she felt all of me, I needed her to know I'm right there with her and I want more with her. Now more than ever. And then comes my four-year-old daughter to cockblock me. Never in a million years did I think I'd be using the words cockblock and daughter in the same sentence. But I can't whisk her off anywhere just because I want to be intimate with Jo. That wouldn't be fair; we're just going to have to be careful. Although the term blue balls doesn't cover it. I'm going to have to sort myself out when I've sorted Mila at bedtime.

The whole time Jo was around my little girl filled me with warmth and complete happiness. She's... amazing with her. I'll be the first to admit Mila's a handful, very full on and inquisitive but Jo handles her with such ease and finesse. Anyone looking from the outside in would probably think she's her... never mind. Both of them are so at ease with one another, my daughter adores her. She'd been asking for a while to kiss her, even if it was only on the cheek. Saturday morning, I knew I could let her. The way Jo lifted her to her hip and included her said it all. Me and Mila come as a package deal and it's clear to see how much they think of each other. This weekend has shown me what it could be like. For all three of us, as a family. It all just feels so right. Almost too right.

Seeing as Mila asked about it from the moment she came into me and Jo this morning for a snuggle, we had a chicken Sunday roast. I was worried Mila coming in might worry Jo - even though it's very normal for me - but she simply lifted the duvet for her and allowed her to slide in beside her. The three of us curled into one another, me into Jo, Jo into Mila. My arm's just about long enough to hold them both; the bed felt even warmer and much fuller but it felt so good. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I lay there, holding the two of them.

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