Out Of My Depth

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Somehow Friday afternoon has already arrived and as my class have been so good, I've allowed them an hour of Golden Time. This is something in our school's policy that I loved when I joined here. For an hour or so, every Friday - given the class have behaved well during the week - they get an hour of Golden Time to do whatever they want to do. They can go on the computers, they can colour, do puzzles, draw, read, play - within reason - pretty much anything they want. All while I sit here, relax and watch. But, because I have plans tonight, I've been marking their work from history class yesterday to save me taking it home because my evening is for me and Hero.

Looking at the time, closing one of the last books, I tell the class to head back to their seats and we'll end the day by finding out what we're all up to tonight and on the weekend. As I make my way around, I hear mentions of the cinema, going into central London, going to their sports activities and clubs, seeing families and a variety of other things that'll keep them busy until Monday comes around. One of the boys at the back, Aiden, raises his hand and I nod to him, letting him speak.

"What are you doing this weekend, Miss?" I've discovered in the short time I've taught him, that he's very outspoken and confident. If he has a question, he'll ask it, which I really admire for someone who's only eight years old. The class begins to nod and look at me expectantly. Rounding my desk, I come to rest in front of it, perching on the edge with my legs stretched out in front of me.

"Well, I'm going out for dinner with a friend tonight in central London and then I think I'll just be chilling out for the rest of the weekend,"

"Where are you going for dinner, Miss Langford?" I shrug, lifting my arms showing them I don't know.

"It's a surprise, my friend won't tell me,"

"Miss, is this friend your boyfriend?" Aiden sounds so nonchalant and curious in his question. The class begins to giggle, as I do too.

"No. And I never said that they were a boy. They could be a girl,"

"But Miss, you've gone red. They're definitely a boy. Are you looking forward to it?" I do feel much warmer and Aiden's friend Matthew, chipping in, hasn't helped with my or the classes' laughter.

"I am looking forward to it. Also, what is it? Gang up on Miss Langford Friday? Go and get your bags and coats, it'll be home time soon," the class giggle as they scurry out of the classroom to the cloakroom outside.

I've tried my hardest all week to try and get it out of Hero where we're going for dinner tonight but he's kept it to himself, just telling me that it's somewhere nice in central London. That really doesn't help me whittle it down though. There are plenty of nice places in central London. All I know is, I'm meeting him at Portman Green Square at 7pm tonight before our meal. That area of London is super fancy, Buckingham Palace isn't too far from there. So I'm excited, nervous - because I have no idea whether to class this as a date or not - but mostly, I'm excited about spending more time with Hero. Who knows what tonight could mean for us...


Having already bought my outfit with Mia last Sunday, as soon as I arrived home from school I lifted the clothes out. And the boots that still sway me slightly, despite how good they look with the outfit. I just don't want Hero getting the wrong idea about me having any intentions. In whatever this is, I'm being solely guided by him. He initiated the conversation between us so it only seems right in my mind that I follow his lead. Although, I did send him the letter so is he following my lead because I sent that? Am I out of my depth? Fucking hell, why is this so complicated? It's just dinner.

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