Actually You?

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Today is the second Monday morning where I've laid in for much longer than I originally planned to last night. Not that I have anything to get up for, but still. I don't want to waste my days. The heatwave is definitely coming to an end and I don't want to waste it, already having plans in place for myself today because tomorrow's forecast is torrential rain. British weather at its absolute finest.

Turning my head to the window to look outside, I see that the sky is stained with white clouds. An even mixture between the blue I've become too used to and the fluffy white collections floating above. I've decided to do some planning today rather than sit in on the last day of sun. So I'm taking my laptop and notebook to the park with me so I can plan some of my classes ready for the first semester. I sigh, not wanting the sun to disappear but living here has proven to me just how unpredictable the weather can be. It can be glorious in the morning and leathering it down an hour later.

I roll over and reach for my phone, pulling the charger out of the bottom releasing it. My eyes widen as I see it's 10:10am, the longest I've slept in since the start of the summer break. I didn't even stay up late last night. I went to bed somewhere between half-past ten and eleven last night. It's been a while since I slept for almost twelve hours, maybe I must've needed it. But it's not like I'm straining myself. Oh well, I'm not complaining at all. Sitting up, I take my phone with me and something on the Home Screen catches my eye. A text notification, from a bunch of numbers. Starting in the usual +44 as every number does in the UK. That took some getting used to when I moved from Australia, their country code is +61. Although you don't see them, but the +44 is there at the start of whoever's number has messaged me.

Sliding my thumb across the notification, my brows pull together as my mind wonders who could have messaged me and not have their number. I don't text many people at all so I'm massively intrigued. The text thread opens on my phone and the blue message sits at the top, waiting for my attention. Just one line with a very simple question sits there.

Is this Josephine Langford?

Well, that's... a very random message. I've not given my number out recently. Have I? No, I'm sure I've not. I've only texted Mia as I always do and my parents and Katherine. Other than that, no one else. I don't have many friends but I'm okay with that. I like my own company enough. But someone has my number and they want to know if it's me they're texting. Specifically me. I mean, they've got my number from somewhere. Where I've no idea. But something inside me, something instinctive that I've never felt before is screaming at me to respond with a simple yes. But my mind steps in quickly reminding me that this person, whoever they are, is a complete stranger. I really can't think of anyone that I've given my number. It seems very... ominous and perhaps I should be worried. But that instinct inside me is telling me that I shouldn't be worried. Something deeper down inside me is telling me to respond.

But rather than jump headfirst into the complete unknown, I pull the duvet off me, place my phone back down on the bedside table and stand. My arms stretch above my head, something in my back cracking as I decide to take a shower to clear my head. A hot shower is sure to help me think straighter. Right now, it's too raw and too fresh for me to make an informed decision about texting the mystery messenger back. I turn and head out of my bedroom and head into the main bathroom next door.

Walking in, I close the door over gently behind me leaving it just ajar from the threshold. I walk over to the knob protruding from the wall and turn it to the left, releasing the water from the showerhead above. While the water heats, I shed my clothes and secure my hair in place with one of the bobbles on the shelf, just by the sink. The water takes its time to heat but as steam begins to spill from the glass cubicle, I pull the door open and step into the stream from above, sighing as the water begins to hit my skin. My skin quickly stains a dark shade of red, showing just how hot the water really is. Ever since I was young, I've always had scorching showers, bordering on scalding.

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