It's Been Years

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Waking up on a Saturday morning when I'm not training, which recently has been quite a lot, is one of my favourite things about my and Jo's relationship. Her warmth warms me all night and as always, she's wrapped around me, still. Her head rests on my chest, her arms are laced around my waist and our legs are a tangled mess beneath the covers. Waking up to her is the best way to start a Saturday and add in some of the wake-up calls we've had recently and I can't think of anything better. There won't be any of those though this morning, we have a busy day of sightseeing ahead. Although I do plan on cashing in on my incentive from the win in the week. What I want though will change things... For both of us.

I want all of her. And by God, I hope she wants all of me too. I've wanted her for a while now just... it's never felt like the right time. I'm worried I'm rushing us with intimacy but Jo's never said anything to me to make me question it more than I would myself. Perhaps I'm just overthinking things. I'm doing my damndest not to put a foot wrong for both of us. Sex and intimacy are normal parts of an adult relationship. She's never complained about anything in the past and neither have I... Maybe I am just overthinking this because it's been so fucking long...

I look down at Jo feeling her stir against me. Slowly, her eyes flutter open, her lashes brushing against my chest before she lifts her gaze up to me.

"Hmm, morning," her voice is lower than normal and laced with sleep. A lazy smile crosses her face as I dip my head down and place my lips on hers. As soon as they touch, the worries of my earlier thoughts somewhat dissolve. They're bridges I'll cross when I come to them but I won't cross them alone, I'll have my funny, Australian girl by my side.

Just as I'm about to ask how she slept, the familiar footsteps outside grow quicker and closer and closer before the door opens and Mila comes barreling into the bedroom.

"Morning!" She dives onto my side of the bed before crawling under the duvet.

"Morning, princess," I place a kiss on top of her head before she snuggles into the other side of my chest. Holding my two girls fills me with so many emotions. I'm constantly consumed by both of them, they both have a corner of my mind constantly reserved for them.

"Morning, sweet pea," Jo leans over and places a kiss on her cheek before nuzzling her nose against hers. She always does this whenever they're here together. It's one of their many little things.

"Are you excited for today?" Mila nods and I feel her lips curl into a smile. We have a lot planned for today all at Mila's request. Admittedly, it's been a while since we spent the day in central London together and to do it as a three will be a first for all of us. I'm beyond excited, even if I do have to wear a cap and potentially have the piss taken out of me by these two. They've become very good at ganging up on me, recently. It's like they can read each other's minds or something. Their connection is already so deep and in sync with one another.

We lie here for about ten minutes, wrapped around each other in comfortable silence. Jo looks up to me quickly, smirking before looking at Mila.

"Mila?" She hums in response before smiling.

"Say no," Oh, God...

"No," she's adopted saying this one specific word from Jo. She sounds so much like her when she says no. As Jo requested after the match, when we got in the car after Mila had said goodbye to Trent after making a beeline for him as always, I asked her if she fancied him and I couldn't stop the belly laughter that followed with the way she said no to me. It sounds so much more rounded like there's an 'er' at the end. Jo just looked at me, her eyes wide and her lip drawn in between her teeth. I'd say it was an apology look because she's rubbing off on Mila. But I don't think that's a bad thing at all.

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